Updated 1108 days ago
1600 Providence Hwy, Walpole, MA 02081
We bring more than 140+ years of our experience in Enterprise application development, infrastructure automation, compliance, databases, data optimization, etc into our flagship enterprise cloud migration platform - AppZ. Reduce your migration and operational costs by 50-70%! We have done it - and now we would love to hear from you…...
We are developers, stack makers, architects and entrepreneurs who understand that we are at a generational change in terms of computing. We create amazing cloud adoptions templates that we call AppZ-Stacks that can help you switch to the cloud in minutes, hours, days, or weeks - as opposed to the typical months or years!!...
We are group of motivated cloud engineers who believe in #oneclick enterprises application and infrastructure deployments. More than 650+ applications onboarded.
Also known as: Cloud Control, Cloud Control Solutions, Inc.