Updated 183 days ago
Windmill Road, Oxford, OX3 7LD, UK
Headed by Prof Jonathan Rees, we are a growing community of over 500 staff, approximately 100 post-graduate students, more than 30 professors, several university lecturers, and senior researchers . Our highly skilled team has expertise in a broad range of areas, including orthopaedic surgery, inflammation, immunology, rheumatology, medical statistics, epidemiology, data science and clinical trials... Realizing the strengths and depth in pre-clinical and clinical myeloma research within Oxford University, we have created the Oxford Centre for Translational Myeloma Research. The mission of this newly launched centre is to undertake internationally competitive research into the processes underlying multiple myeloma and related plasma cell diseases. The investigators of the Centre are committed to translate this research into improving patient health. The Centre is uniquely placed to do so by combining outstanding clinical research with excellent basic science in Oxford and by working..
Also known as: SHUTTERSTOCK