MARBL - Key Persons

Ann Sophie Deprez

Job Titles:
  • Founder & Corporate Positivity® Activist
It feels like a true purpose to support people to discover the power of positive psychology so that they can deal with opportunities, challenges and difficulties in life. It feels like a true purpose to support people to discover the power of positive psychology so that they can deal with opportunities, challenges and difficulties in life.

Anneleen Demasure

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Advisory Board
  • Managing Director Dropsolid
Anneleen is a true generalist with a helicopter view. She is strong in marketing, sales and digitisation. Anneleen is someone who can bring structure to chaos and then draw up a clear plan in such situations. Guiding people in change is her thing. Making the most of human capital is one of her strengths. Anneleen also has international experience. She has experience in both corporate and SME environments, so she has extensive networks in both environments. Anneleen has clear vision and loves co-creation and complementarity. She is very strong strategically and likes to build structures in growing companies.

Bram De Vos

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Advisory Board
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hello Customer
Bram is a dyed-in-the-wool businessman. He has broad experience in many types of companies, and he has a generalist strategic attitude. His background lies in communication, sales and marketing, so he always has a very commercial reflex - but he believes in strategy as a guiding principle. He's worked for various companies in Belgium and the US, where he got familiar with large-scale digitisation and the world of market research. This was his inspiration for setting up Hello Customer in 2014, which applied innovative technological methods to market research. Hello Customer creates a technology sold to business as Software as a Service - the company operates in Belgium, the Netherlands and France. In 2020, Bram De Vos was made Chairman of the Board of Directors. He lives in Bruges with his wife and two daughters.

Freya Spiessens

Job Titles:
  • Trainer - Coach - Consultant
Freya is a born optimist. Her vision of life is one of opportunities rather than of risks and problems. In her professional life, she strongly believes in the qualities of each person she works with and their ability to grow.

Jonas De Zweemer

Job Titles:
  • Trainer - Coach - Consultant
Jonas puts individuals, teams, and organizations into movement. He is tremendously interested in seeing the system behind an individual, teaching people to see and understand that system. Based on his ICF-accredited training, he puts a strong emphasis on reflection, feeling, self-awareness and allowing.

Joëlle Verbeurgt

Job Titles:
  • Trainer - Coach - Consultant
Joëlle is passionate about coaching and guiding people and organisations to develop and evolve in line with their own vision. Her experience consists of translating strategies into pragmatic approaches such as recruitment and coaching. There are no mistakes, just experience, on which one builds.

Katrijn Steenbeke

Job Titles:
  • Founder & Corporate Positivity® Activist
I am firmly of the view that everyone has beautiful qualities in them. I see it as my true purpose in life to help people discover these qualities, on which they can rely to find happiness at work and in life.

Kris Colpaert

Job Titles:
  • Trainer - Coach - Consultant
Guiding people in their development and their quest for what drives them and gives them energy. That is what makes Kris happy. Whether it's a whole team, a company, or one-on-one contact.

Kristel Wils

Job Titles:
  • Trainer - Coach - Consultant
Kristel gets energy from giving coaching and training with a tangible impact for individuals, teams and organisations. She combines strong people skills with her expertise and insight into various complex business contexts. This creates a win-win approach. Managers and teams exploit their full potential and build success together with their organisation. Kristel is dedicated to her own continuous improvement process. She is always eager to soak up further knowledge and acquire skills to deliver the highest coaching quality. She is a certified ACT P business coach, according to the ethics of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and its eight coaching competencies. In addition, she is a certified NLP coach, burn-out coach and accredited practitioner of Life Style Inventory and Group Style Inventory. Kristel is passionate about helping people and organisations flourish. As she draws happiness and energy from her support to the present generation, she also gives to non-profit organisations that help future generations advance.

Martine De Prijcker

Job Titles:
  • Trainer - Coach - Consultant
Martine has managed to continuously develop over a professional career of some 20 years in managerial and non-managerial positions, in both financial and marketing & communication environments.

Roland Gerets

Job Titles:
  • Trainer - Coach - Consultant
Roland is convinced that sustainable business results can only be achieved by balancing tools and processes with people who are passionate about their work. Sharing knowledge and guiding people to success is his passion.