Updated 18 days ago
These are sectors where we have a lot of similarity as a continent. That's why Levyn Africa believes by working together as a continent in these sectors will rise the value and standards ‘quality and quantity' of our products. Levyn is here to develop an African brand or label that should be recognized as an African brand globally. One that will help put with the international brands or labels and it fits or even better. Levyn Africa is No.1 supporter of culture and traditions in Africa. We are here to promote Africa and its people, our culture and traditions... We at Levyn Africa believe culture and traditions well practiced, their No.1 protection, motivation and empowerment for our people. Without culture, tradition or religion it's like living with¬out law and order. We all know in life there are laws that govern everything. Let's call them life principles... We care deeply about the future of Africa and its people. We are professionally dedicated service our international and..
Also known as: Levyn Africa