Updated 8 days ago
45 West 34th Street, Suite 1210 New York, NY
Our Mission. Arts Assessment for Learning is committed to K-12 arts education that is focused on formative assessment as a catalyst for student learning. Unlike sum ma tive assessment, formative assessment goes beyond simply measuring student achieve ment. Formative assessment fa cil itates teaching and learning by providing useful feedback to both teachers and students. It can increase teacher effectiveness, boost student achievement and motivation, and encourage student independence in the learning process...
The Arts Assessment for Learning website is the product of a partnership between the New York City Department of Education's Office of Arts and Special Projects and ArtsConnection, a model arts education organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (US DE)...
Arts Assessment for Learning is committed to building communities of arts educators, and engaging them in implementing and analyzing the effectiveness of formative assessment in their classrooms.
Also known as: Arts and Special Projects and ArtsConnection
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