Updated 68 days ago
P.O. Box 84 Camden, SC 29021
Heavenly Collars is a pet product company with an inspirational message. We offer dog collars and cat collars with a simple message of God's love...
Heavenly Collars is not just a pet product company. Heavenly Collars is a ministry committed to sharing the love of God. We believe God's perfect love was demonstrated to all through His Son, Jesus Christ. To share that Message, Heavenly Collars is donating a portion of all sales for missions and evangelism. We want to see the world impacted with this message of God's love. Each month we will select a ministry and donate a percentage of all sales to that ministry. The Ministry of the Month is featured within this site...
On the 6th day, God observed His creation and called it Good. At Heavenly Collars, we believe God demonstrated His love in creation. The message on our pet collars is a simple reminder that God Loves You.