Heidi Ragsdale

Job Titles:
  • Consulting Editor
Heidi has a great love for the art of storytelling and a passion for clear, meaningful prose. Over the last two decades, she has built a portfolio that focuses on true life and non-fiction genres-ranging from the high drama and emotional impact of autobiographies to the rigors of detail-oriented scientific and academic material. Heidi works with our existing concepts and treatments to deliver a well-paced plotline that provokes a genuine emotional connection.

Kayla Daquino

Job Titles:
  • Development Executive
Kayla's passion for the entertainment industry has been prevalent since a young age. From acting in school plays to landing small gigs on camera, to writing and performing her own stand - up comedy, she has learned to apply the facets of each for a career in development. ​Kayla graduated Cum Laude from the University of California, San Diego. While earning her Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree, Kayla developed strong interpersonal communication skills through her Theatre Arts and English Literature/Cultural Studies curriculum. Her tenacious grit and creative wit has led to her success in managing various stage productions, along with publishing her own work of poetry and short stories. ​Kayla is dedicated to finding, developing, and crafting stories through visual and written mediums. She believes everyone has a story worth sharing; you just have to be present enough to listen and patient enough to create.

RusselL Werdin - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
At nine years old, 8mm camera in hand, Russ created stories and filmed home movies during summers at a family beach home. It was at a time when famous producers, directors, screenwriters, and actors called Malibu Colony a hideaway from hectic Hollywood. With a passion to someday be like the iconic neighbors, Russ attended USC, UCLA, and Hollywood writing and directing schools while creating original stories and screenplays in multiple genres. Russ continues to create and write stories today all TwinStar's current slate.