Updated 10 days ago
720 Lamar Pl Ste B Austin, TX 78752
Supporting our community is very important to us and we love seeing it grow. We pride ourselves on using as many fresh, organic and local ingredients as possible to provide you with healthy, flavorful food as well as to support our local farmers. Our mission is to serve you the best locally-sourced Mexican and Latin American cuisine and to give back to our wonderful community. Jefe's is a place that has grown from our hearts and is here today because of you, and for that, we are forever grateful... Our restaurant's special mission is to provide a cozy, home-like atmosphere for our visitors. As well, as keeping our menu as diverse and appetizing as possible. We were able to keep these 2 promises throughout all the years in service!... Homemade Mexican Cuisine with Traditional Recipes and One of a Kind Flavors. Our restaurant features the delicious cuisine of Mexico. We understand the importance of flavor and that is why we choose the best and freshest ingredients to prepare your..