Updated 17 days ago
- Age: 56 years
- ID: 38797879/64
M. Tea Industries, Phol Road, Near Goushalla, Rampura Phul-151103, Bathinda, Punjab- INDIA
As like name Shabnam means refresh! Our tea also gives full refreshment to a consumer in every sip...
It is our pleasure to introduce the fastest growing company of Punjab Shabnam Tea owned by R. M. Tea Industries and its sister concern Ram Krishan Dass Mangat Rai, Rampura Phul (Punjab) established in 1969.We believe in making difference and stands for quality teas at very reasonable price. Tea blended & packed in very hygienic atmosphere...
SHABNAM. A leading brand owned by R. M. Tea Industries is one of the most respected and recognized brand in Malwa Region of Punjab established by Shri R. K. Dass in 1969 and came to pouch packing in 1997 as a 1st SSI Tea unit of Punjab. The Company is certified with ISO 9001:2008 & Haccp registered with BSCIC.