MANDALAO - Key Persons

Dr. Will Thomas

Job Titles:
After moving to Laos nearly twelve years ago Will opened Animal Doctors International to provide world class veterinary care in a country where so many animals are in need. Beyond looking after the health of our elephants he is helping us push the boundaries of their ethical treatment and welfare.

Kellen Johnson - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
As one of the founding members of MandaLao his dedication and passion helped shape our organization into what it is today. While he is no longer directly affiliated he stills plays a valuable role as an advisor and dear friend.

Michael Vogler - Founder

Job Titles:
With a background in wildlife and environmental conservation work around the globe, Laos drew Michael in from the first time he visited. He sees MandaLao as part of long-term strategy to create and promote new community-based conservation projects.

Prasop Tipprasert

Job Titles:
Few people have as deep an affinity for elephants as Prasop Tipprasert. After working with them for over three decades - as co-founder and director of the Thai Elephant Conservation Center and extensive work with the National Park Service - his knowledge of both captive and wild elephants is profound. A pioneer and originator of Positive Reinforcement Training, Prasop has joined us at MandaLao to continue to refine this training and share his understanding of the human and elephant connection with others. Along with training our elephants, mahouts and guides he focuses on interacting with guests. It is as much a treat to hear him tell stories from decades past as it is to gain rare insight into elephants' emotions and behaviors.