Updated 28 days ago
LISA D. RYAN, LLC is unique in providing talent management through talent acquisition services to this market segment. The firm is committed to aligning consultant and client interests. Additionally, Lisa is certified in the DISC/PIAV, the Hogan Assessment and the Leadership Versatility Index (LVI). The insights gained from the assessments can be helpful in candidate on-boarding, promoting successful integration, enhancing communication, developing executives and reviewing performance. These tools can help promote high performance and alignment between organizational talent and the overall business strategy... Lisa is committed to aligning client and consultant interests and to tailoring services specifically to client needs. To align interests, Lisa D... In 2018, LISA D. RYAN, LLC launched to provide human resource consulting services to family offices, family foundations and the wealth advisors that serve these organizations. While recruiting executives for these organizations over..
Also known as: Lisa, LISA D. RYAN, LLC