Updated 88 days ago
Kellan's proposal for a RS-232 serial wiring standard for sub-miniature-D-shell-to-8P8C-jack adapters: RYSC...
The remaining signals comprising RS-232 connections are the 'flow control' signals, specifically, 'hardware flow control signals'. These signals are nominally used to regulate the flow of data between the DCE and DTE, preventing buffer overflows among other things. Hardware Flow Control is often not required, utilized, or implemented at the application level...
The hardware flow control pins (RTS, CTS, DSR, and DTR) are interconnected within each RYSC adapter so that each device supplies its own flow control signaling, implementing flow control loopback within each adapter. Meanwhile, the Transmit, Receive, and Signal Ground lines are exposed via the 8P8C jack, allowing minimal 'three-wire serial connections' to be utilized even in applications nominally requiring hardware flow control between devices.