Job Titles:
Mr. CHUON KANG was born on May 05, 1986 in Prey Veng Province. He graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration Form Asia Europe University in 2010, Phnom Penh Kingdom of Cambodia. With his Seniority, he has been the Branch Manager at, Monkul Phnom Penh Finance Plc. Responsible for Man-agement work in the branch and Solving various problems in the Branch. He has more than 9 Years of experience in the Banking industry through many functions Such as: Credit Office, Chief Credit Office and branch manager. He has currently working for the FASMEC micro-finance Plc. in the role of Deputy Branch Man-ager.


Job Titles:
  • Branch Manager ( PRAH NORODOM )
Mr. MON NAMCHHEAV, male, was born in 1998. He holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Management and Economics (UME) and an English degree at the OXFORD GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL due to his experience and interesting in banking and finance. He also joined SOVANDAR FINANCE PLC in early 2017 as a Credit Officer. Until 2018, he moved to PRASAC Microfinance In-stitution (PRASAC). ) In the same position as a cred-it officer, but for one year, in 2019, because he did a good job with both work results and experience, he was promoted to a senior credit officer. Job Mr. Ban changed his work experience to work in NIRON Mi-crofinance Institution (NIRON) as the Chief Credit Officer of Stung Meanchey Branch, Phnom Penh. In the middle of 2021, he was promoted to Branch Man-ager. Acting. He is currently working at Micro-finance Institution SAMPORN SAMAKUM SA-HAKREAS THUNTOCH NEUNG MATJUM KAMPUCHEA PLC. as the Chief Credit Officer of the Head Office Branch.


Job Titles:

Mr. Nov Bros

Job Titles:
  • Microfinance Institution SAMPORN SAMAKUM SA - HAKREAS THUNTOCH NEUNG MATJUM KAMPUCHEA PLC. in 2019 As the Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Nov Bros joined the Microfinance Institution SAMPORN SAMAKUM SA-HAKREAS THUNTOCH NEUNG MATJUM KAMPUCHEA PLC. in 2019 as the Chief Operating Officer. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Human Resources and a Bachelor of Science in Education from the New Generation Khmer In-stitute in Cambodia. Mr. Nov Bros has attended many training courses related to the regulations and compliance principles of banks and micro-finance institutions at the Institute of Banking and Finance, Management, Administration and Human Resources, Public Administration, Ped-agogy, High School and Higher Education. Of the National Institute of Education. Prior to joining FASMEC, he served as Chief of Admin-istration and Human Resources at Samreth Sak Microfinance Institution. He has been a part-time lecturer in Education Science and Manage-ment, Banking and Finance at CUS University, University of Science and Technology, New Generation Khmer since 2010.


Job Titles:
Mr PRAK SOMNANG joined the Micro-finance Institution SAMPORN SAMAKUM SA-HAKREAS THUNTOCH NEUNG MATJUM KAMPUCHEA PLC. in November 2022. He grad-uated from the Asia Europ University with a degree in Information Technology in 2009. With seniority, he has nine year of experience in the field of Core-Banking System. As a System Support in TriCube Cambodia, which is responsible for managing problems that occur on the Core-Banking System and help improve. Of the workflow in the system.


Job Titles:
Ms. OR SAMNANY was born in 1993 in Prey Veng Province. She graduated with a Bache-lor's Degree in Accounting from Human Resource University in 2015, Phnom Penh branch of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Along with her seniority, she is in charge as a Teller at Prime MF Micro-finance, which is responsible for the cash received payment from customers and she has been pro-moted to Assistant Accountant at Ang Snuol Branch. She has more than four years of banking experience across a range of roles: Teller, Assis-tance Accountant, and Chief Teller. She has joined Microfinance Institution SAMPORN SAMAKUM SAHAKREAS THUNTOCH NEUNG MAT-JUM KAMPUCHEA PLC, as Account Support Branch in Head Quarter.