EPOMM - Key Persons

Karel Pospíšil

Job Titles:
  • Director

Mari Jüssi

Małgorzata Fedas

Prof. Panagiotis Papaioannou

Job Titles:
  • Division of Transport, Infrastructure and Regional Planning Engineering

RA Sinergija

Job Titles:
  • Project Partner
RA Sinergija is a project partner in the PRO.MOTION project - Creation of livable neighborhood by decreasing of the transport energy consumption. The project aim is to achieve the reduction in energy consumption through a number of changes in mobility behavior of the inhabitants. The survey of the mobility pattern and behavior of the inhabitants have been implemented. Regarding to that survey are being implemented the measures in order to change mobility behavior.

Radomíra Jordova

Rafał Serafin

Rui Velasco Martins

Job Titles:
  • Director of the Studies, Evaluation and Prospective Service DSEAP

Tytti Viinikainen

Zbyněk Sperat