Updated 55 days ago
- Age: 39 years
- ID: 38429440/63
Chestermere Recreation Center 201 West Chestermere Drive Chestermere, Alberta T1X 1B2
The Chestermere Curling Association is a volunteer run, non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring the continuation of curling in Chestermere. All positions on our Executive Committee are filled by a terrific team of individuals who volunteer their time to keep curling alive in our community...
We are actively seeking volunteers to help out with our Association as many of the current committee members have already served several years on the board. Without volunteers we simply cannot run our leagues and bonspiels each season. We are hoping that our members will step up and donate their time to help ensure the curling program in Chestermere continues to improve and grow in years to come...
We are still accepting teams for any of our leagues that are not full. If you are interested in putting in a team, please send email to
Also known as: Chestermere Curling Association
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