Updated 2 days ago
The explosive growth of mobile internet traffic introduces the need to transform traditional closed, static and inelastic network infrastructures into open, scalable and elastic ecosystems supporting new types of connectivity, high mobility and new mission-critical services for operators, vendors and vertical industries. 5G-PICTURE will develop and demonstrate a converged fronthaul and backhaul infrastructure integrating advanced wireless and novel optical network solutions. Τo address the limitations of the current D-RAN and C-RAN approaches, 5G-PICTURE will exploit flexible functional splits that can be dynamically selected, to optimise resource and energy efficiency. This results in a paradigm shift, from RAN and C-RAN to ʽDis-Aggregated RANʼ (DA-RAN). DA-RAN is a novel concept where HW and SW components are disaggregated across the wireless, optical and compute/storage domains. ʽResource disaggregationʼ allows decoupling these components, creating a common "pool of resources" that..
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