KOEGL SPACE - History of Changes

2022-09-22 delete about_pages_linkeddomain rothmund-webdesign.ch
2022-09-22 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain rothmund-webdesign.ch
2022-09-22 delete index_pages_linkeddomain rothmund-webdesign.ch
2022-09-22 delete service_pages_linkeddomain rothmund-webdesign.ch
2021-09-06 update website_status InvalidLanguage => OK
2021-09-06 update person_description Paola Kögl => Paola Kögl
2021-09-06 update person_description Stefan Kögl => Stefan Kögl
2020-09-21 update website_status OK => InvalidLanguage
2018-12-11 update person_title Paola Kögl: Company Owner and Chief Administration Officer => Company Owner and Back Office Manager
2018-12-11 update person_title Stefan Kögl: Company Owner and Chief Executive Officer => Company Owner and Managing Director