BONFIRE - Key Persons

Alis sa Rakauskas

Job Titles:
  • Designer

Craig Hen ry - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Craig Hen ry is Bon fire's Pres i dent and Cre ative Direc tor. Since 2015, Craig has been work ing to bring unfor get table online expe ri ences to life with the help of an incred i ble team of design ers, devel op ers and strategists. ​"I wake up every sin gle day grate ful for this team; they are absolute ly the most tal ent ed, hard-work ing and down-to-earth group of peo ple I've ever had the plea sure of work ing with."

Dan Collins

Job Titles:
  • Senior Web Developer
Dan is a mem ber of the devel op ment team at Bon fire, with the iRo bot Select pro gram being his main focus. Have you ever want ed a Room ba to wan der your home all day pick ing up dog hair but don't feel like pay ing full price up front? Boy does he have a web site for you. Pre vi ous to Bon fire Dan spent sev er al years at anoth er web agency, which is where he and Craig crossed paths for the first time, lead ing to them work ing togeth er again today. After work you can find Dan bop ping around Portsmouth, drink ing out side with friends, hit ting up live music and tweak ing his per fect fan ta sy foot ball lineups.

Dylan Kiley

Job Titles:
  • UI Designer
Dylan is a UI design er at Bon fire, hail ing from the exot ic far away land of Rhode Island. He has pre vi ous ly worked in-house for com pa nies of all sizes and indus tries, from cre at ing delight ful and beau ti ful expe ri ences for medTech and edTech star tups to help ing reju ve nate the e‑commerce UI for a For tune 5 retail company. When not work ing, he's box ing, surf ing, and get ting too many tat toos against his grand moth er's wishes.

Joe Protz

Job Titles:
  • Support / Web Developer

Lane Gri maud

Job Titles:
  • Web Developer

Max Waltz

Job Titles:
  • Designer
Here at Bon fire, Max is a visu al design er with 10+ years of brand ing and pack ag ing design expe ri ence in the music, fit ness, and out door indus tries. He works on every thing from web site design to brand ed col lat er al and loves to exper i ment with video and animation. Out side of work, Max enjoys mul ti-day hikes in the moun tains and long adven tures on his bike. He's a self-taught artist and proud dog dad to Remy.

Michael Molchan

Job Titles:
  • Web Developer

Michelle Loren

Job Titles:
  • Digital Strategist

Ross Northrup

Job Titles:
  • Front - End Developer
Ross jumped on board here at Bon fire Stu dios in Octo ber of 2020 as one of our devel op ers. He grew up on the north shore of Boston, stud ied Eng lish at UMASS in Amherst, and has for mer ly worked in edu ca tion. Through rec om men da tion from a friend, Ross began cod ing in his time off and has been hack ing away at it ever since. When Ross isn't star ing into a back lit screen, he enjoys watch ing and per form ing live com e dy, golf ing, pod cast ing and spend ing time with the dog.