Updated 12 days ago
- Age: 13 years
- ID: 36750135/72
2 rue Alfred Kastler, CS 70727, 44 307 Nantes Cedex 3
AI4R is the world leader in digital real-time autoradiography, developer and manufacturer of the BeaQuant range system. Our experts designed this new instrument to offer you better image quality, greater freedom in handling and more user comfort in imaging simultaneously alpha and beta particles...
Ai4r or Atlantic Instruments for Research was founded in 2012 by Jérôme Donnard after 10 years of research...
The BeaQuant can be used to locate the radioactivity of all alpha or beta emitters in various size samples. Our innovative technology based on a quantitative mapping of radioactivity as a large range of applications in sciences fields as Oncology, Neuroscience, Drug Discovery, Ex Vivo preclinical studies or Geology.
Also known as: AI4R SAS
VAT numbers: FR12 752 156 042
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