FRESH STUDIO - Key Persons

René van Rensen

Job Titles:
  • R & D Director Crops
René has more than 10 years of experience in fruit and vegetable production, sourcing and post-harvest management systems. René leads the crop sourcing teams across Vietnam. These are responsible for developing, implementing and managing production, sourcing and post-harvest management systems within the agricultural (fruit and vegetable) sector of South East Asia.

Siebe van Wijk - CEO

Job Titles:
  • General Director
Born in rural Kenya in between corn and tea fields, Siebe later moved to the province Zeeland in The Netherlands. Here, the scenery was dominated by potato fields and apple orchards. His tropical background and childhood in rural areas inspired him to focus his professional life on assisting farmers to escape poverty, and the development of sustainable agriculture. "I love to develop, grow , build and I'm driven to make a difference." Inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit of the Vietnamese and seeing the need for professional and sustainable agriculture sourcing systems, he decided to start Fresh Studio in 2006 together with Irmen Mantingh.