Updated 938 days ago
Charitable Incorporated Organisation
- Active - CE011286 (CH)
- Age: 6 years
- ID: 36415592/62
Fisher Road Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 2NB
Newton Abbot Pre-School is based in the cattle market town of Newton Abbot. We take full advantage of our location by going on regular trips around town making the most of the local amenities. The Preschool has been running for over 30 years, we are a charitable incorporated organisation run by a Trustees and Volunteers... We provide support and encourage our children to explore our garden/physical resources fully and offer plenty of opportunities for them to develop these skills. If we feel a particular skill could be more positively developed by purchasing a particular resource, we will. We provide 2 sessions of outdoor play to ensure children who do not have gardens or opportunities to explore the outdoors at home, get to whenever they are in... At Newton abbot Pre-school we plan daily for children's next steps and interests. All children develop at their own pace. Our keyworker system enables us to ensure a planned curriculum tailored to the needs of each individual child and to..
Registration numbers: CE011286 (CH)