Ezra Willey

Job Titles:
  • Member of the American Bar Association
  • Penobscot County Representative
Ezra is licensed to practice law in Maine, United States Virgin Islands and Massachusetts, as well as in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maine and the U.S. First Circuit Court of Appeals. Ezra focuses in all areas of litigation and shares in his father's passion for zealous advocacy of his clients. Ezra is also a rostered Guardian ad Litem, rostered to handle both Family Matters and Protective Custody cases. As a lawyer, a parent, an Uncle and as a citizen of Penobscot County and the State of Maine, Ezra deeply believes that the children involved in any litigation in Maine deserve to have his, her or their voices heard and represented to the Court to the fullest degree, and further that these children are placed in the safest environment, and one that will allow them to thrive to the fullest extent. Consequently, Ezra believes that this may be one of the most important roles that he plays as part of his career. Ezra is currently a member of the American Bar Association, the Maine State Bar Association, the Massachusetts Bar Association, the Penobscot County Bar Association, the Hancock County Bar Association and is a member of the U.S. Virgin Islands Bar Association, as well as the John Waldo Ballou Inn of Court. Beyond serving on the Penobscot County Bar Association's Board of Directors, as President, Ezra is also a prior Penobscot County representative (District 9) to the Maine State Bar Association's Board of Governors. Ezra also sits on the Board of Directors, in the capacity of President and Treasurer, for the Maine High School Mock Trial Program, and sits on the Board of Directors for the Volunteer Lawyer's Project, the organization dedicated to helping Maine's underserved population find pro bono legal services, advice and representation in many civil related matters. Ezra lives in Bangor with his wife and two daughters, as well as his three cats and two dogs. Scout and Macie, Ezra's dogs, spend most of their week at the office, greeting clients and entertaining the staff. He enjoys spending his free time with his

Larry Willey

Mr. Willey was born on September 11, 1949. He and his wife, Lorna, have three children, Ezra, Josiah and Monica and three grandchildren. Mr. & Mrs. Willey reside in Bangor, Maine. Mr. Willey is active in numerous community organizations. He is a member of the Bangor Knights of Columbus where he has served as advocate as well as Grand Knight, and he attends St. Mary's Parish in Bangor. Mr. Willey is a lifelong Maine resident. Mr. Willey is active in many sports including outdoor recreation, golf and he also holds a Black Belt in Japanese (Shotokan) Karate. He obtained both Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Economics and Community Development from the University of Maine, Orono. Mr. Willey served as a graduate teaching assistant and interned at EMDC, while completing his master's degree. He obtained a Juris Doctorate Degree, Cum Laude, from Suffolk University Law School. Mr. Willey graduated first in his sectional class of eighty-three. While at Suffolk, he served as the Associate Editor, Suffolk University Law Review.