Updated 261 days ago
- Age: 38 years
- ID: 36306990/71
IMN is a woman owned business since 1986. Our corporate office is located in Madison Heights. IMN currently services Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Texas and Pennsylvania. We are also available to serve specific areas of Missouri, Iowa, New Jersey, Wisconsin and Florida...
IMN is a member of both MPAA (Michigan Patient Accounting Association) and HFMA (Health Care Financial Management Association)...
IMN has been able to diversify itself as more than just a Medicaid application service. We have been able to assist providers in obtaining signatures on various documents: affidavits of no insurance, completed no-fault claim forms and assignment of benefit claim forms. IMN also assists in locating and filing police reports, resolving coordination of benefit issues, applying for Medicare A, and B, processing Medicare buy-ins as well as Social Security application filings; all of which has contributed significantly to hospital and pharmacy third party payor revenue.