Bob The Pug

Job Titles:
  • Chief Cookie Master
Furry friends should be mandatory in all offices. Bob is our office dog, a close friend who's always ready to give you what you need. A wet kiss or a furry hug. Every time a new client signs up, Bob's cookie addiction gets funded. Are we investing our money wisely? Probably not.

Céline Ameel

Meet Céline, our growth marketer with a touch of uniqueness: Céline's known for her special skill - escaping from cockroaches, a talent she honed during her time in Malta. Her daily routine begins with a cappuccino, and she's specific about it - it must have coconut milk for that tropical twist. When it's time for lunch, she sticks to her favorite combo: bread, ham, Philadelphia cheese, and tomatoes. No fancy stuff - it's her comfort food. But what truly matters to Céline is her love for cats, especially her friend George, a stray she cares for.

Eveline Smet

Job Titles:
  • Founder & Growth Strategist
  • Growth Strategist
Eveline is our founder and the one who eats strategy for breakfast. She is in charge of budgets, KPI's and growth plans. During her high school years, Eveline was wearing baggy pants and listening to 2PAC & Biggy. We have proof. Just ask. If you ever catch her looking off into the distance, it's either because she wants to order sushi or she's hungry thinking of ways to increase your profit. She's also the biggest victim of marketing. But the biggest office sweetheart.

Farah Firdaus

Job Titles:
  • Expert & Graphic Designer
Farah is a designer during the day. And UX researcher by night. She spends most of her time researching, creating wireframes and wrapping up lovely designs for our customers. From branding guidelines to full-blown website redesigns. Did I say she developed our website from scratch? She got everyone covered. We know that she surely one day will be running her own creative show on Behance every Friday. But first, she has to deal with her traveling addiction. Which has come to the cost of carrying cat food in her purse. Even when she doesn't own any cats. I think we can all agree she's a bit cat crazy. But that's a good thing. Right?

Hayden Cogswell

Job Titles:
  • Performance
Meet Hayden, our performance marketer! Originally from Colorado, he now calls Athens, Greece, home. Hayden's guilty pleasures? Tzatziki and coffee, especially freddo espressos - he has three every day. Back in his college days, he was a soccer star, but a couple of torn ACLs now keep his games on the casual side. Hayden also doubles as a home chef specializing in Mexican cuisine. Enchiladas, anyone?

Husain Mustansir

Job Titles:
  • Head of Data
Meet Husain, our Head of Data. He's the guy who crunches numbers for breakfast! When he's not diving into data, he's a big fan of Isaac Asimov's Foundation and Robot series. He loves listening to Blues Jazz and finds cats absolutely adorable. And, yes, he's a pizza enthusiast. Husain brings data to life with a dash of humor, adding a unique flavor to our team.

Melina Tamimi

Introducing Melina, our junior growth marketer! When she's not diving into marketing, she's glued to podcasts and crime documentaries. And don't get her started on sitcoms; she's seen them all! Outside of work, she's a social butterfly, spending her free time with friends, whether on road trips, museum visits, or at lively parties. Melina brings her content and project management experience to the table, and she's ready to learn even more from the team.

Pierre Moncamp

Job Titles:
  • Agency Manager
Meet Pierre! He's our SEO & SEA expert and Agency Manager, but he is also responsible for A/B testing, setting up analytics and everything that involves data and growth. He's a geeky guy who loves the Medieval times. That means painting medieval models and reading a loooot of books about that period. His best dish? Lasagna, hands down!

Zyon de Jesus

Meet Zyon, our marketing maverick. He starts the day with a flat white, a fancy coffee with oat milk. And guess what? He once ate so much at a tapas restaurant that he set a record! Zyon's not just about marketing; he was ranked as the 5th best golfer in the Netherlands at age 12. With his unique talents, Zyon brings fresh energy to our team.