Updated 26 days ago
SDVOS is a project that I started and worked on in my spare time. I developed it mainly to keep myself up to date with embedded microcontrollers, new development plafforms, and OSEK/AUTOSAR standards. I would be very happy if it helps you learn OSEK/AUTOSAR OS and embedded microcontroller architectures. Since the project is getting more and more complicated, bugs are inevitable. I appreciate the report of any potential bugs in the kernel and system generator. You can reach me via email. The email address can be found in the kernel source comment...
SDVOS supports the standard OSEK OS interface. Some AUTOSAR OS extensions such as schedule tables and software timers are also available...
Even though not officially certified, SDVOS supports all OSEK OS interfaces and some of the AUTOSAR OS interfaces. This helps you learn and develop your own applications. System configuration tools are also freely available.
Also known as: Standard Dependable Vehicle Operating System