Job Titles:
- Senior Hydrogeologist With GeoEngineers Gave a Summary of the Hirst
Job Titles:
- Commissioner
- President
- Treasurer
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on September 8th and September 22nd, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District's bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on October 6th and October 20th, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. Mr. Hammond stated that the October bank statement had not yet been received so he could not reconcile the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the bank statement and would do so at a later date.
Commissioner Hammond thanked Mr. Jonson and Mr. Kerley and the rest of the Board for all of the good work leading up to this point regarding the franchise agreement. Commissioner Zehner and Donahue also thanked Commissioner Hammond and staff.
Job Titles:
- Protection Program Coordinator for DOH Office of Drinking Water
McKinnon Creek Wellfield Critical Infrastructure Security Improvement: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that he had met with representatives with the City of Lake Forest Park in regard to specific on-site security improvements and received some resistance with planned work. Mr. Kerley detailed some alternate improvements that the District can start on now. The Board requested that a site visit in the form of a Special Meeting be held at McKinnon Wellfield in the near future and that Mr. Kerley submit possible dates for this to occur.
McKinnon Deep Well # 2 Pump and Motor Replacement: Item was included in the General Manager Report.
McKinnon Deep Well # 2: Mr. Kerley reported to the Board that the apparent lightning strike that occurred on Dec. 26, 2018, damaged the motor of McKinnon Deep Well #2 to the point that it no longer functions. Mr. Kerley also pointed out that an insurance claim may be appropriate. After discussion, a motion was made to authorize the General Manager to enter into a contract for the repair and rehabilitation work needed on Well # 2 for an amount not to exceed $ 30,000.00 in accordance with State statutes and District policies. The Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Riding Mower Replacement: Mr. Kerley requested that the Board authorize the purchase of a replacement riding mower, as the current riding mower has lost compression and needs a new engine of which the cost would be more than the value of the mower. A motion was made to allow the General Manger to obtain quotes for a suitable replacement riding mower and to determine and select the lowest responsible item in an amount not to exceed $4,000.00 including sales tax. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Repair to Small Work Truck: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that he accidentally dented the rear passenger side of the small work truck while backing up with an attached trailer and had contacted Enduris, the District's insurance company. The damage exceeds the amount of the District's deductible. The Board asked that Mr. Kerley follow up with the Enduris in regard to risk rating.