SORRISO - Key Persons

Prof. Sandro Rengo - President

Job Titles:
  • President
Prof. Sandro Rengo graduated magna cum summa laude in Medicine at the University of Naples where he specialized in Stomatology. He is full professor at the Department of "Neuroscienze, Scienze Riproduttive ed Odonstomatologiche" of the School of Medicine and surgery of the "Federico II" University of Naples. He has had several institutional posts such as director of the School of Specialization in Orthodontics, director of the "Dipartimento Assistenziale della Clinica di Odontostomatologia A.O.U. - Federico II" and Coordinator of the PhD courses in "Odontostomatological Science". He has also coordinated many projects both at the national and international level and is former president of many Italian Dental Associations.