Updated 27 days ago
2451 Cumberland Parkway, Suite# 3981 Atlanta, GA 30339
Shared Visions By CaTwa, LLC is an Entrepreneurial Consulting service, which educates, guides, supports and mentors women by providing a support network. Shared Visions By CaTwa, LLC is an Entrepreneurial Consulting service, which educates, guides, supports and mentors women by... Shared Visions By CaTwa® is an Entrepreneurial Consulting service founded by Best-Selling Authors, Speakers and Transformational Coaches, Catrina and Twana Wilson, who are passionate about educating, guiding, supporting and mentoring women to transform their lives. By utilizing a business breakthrough session that assists in identifying her deepest aspirations and acknowledging the truth of who she is, enables the discovery of a direct link to her ultimate passion that is in alignment with her unique purpose. Thereafter, the true construction process begins, with a business coach building brick-by-brick the logistics of business essentials to cultivate a successful plan and concrete implementation phases..
Also known as: Shared Visions By CaTwa, LLC