Updated 1021 days ago
1390 Broadway St. Beaumont, TX 77701
J. Allen Management provides professional service with a staff of highly trained personnel with many years of construction, maintenance and management experience. The J. Allen Management staff is composed of professionals who hold certifications in COS (Certified Occupancy Specialists), CAM (Certified Apartment Manager), PHM (Public Housing Management), HCCP (Housing Credit Certified Professional), CAMT (Certified Apartment Maintenance Technician), CAPS (Certified Apartment Property Supervisor), CPM (Certified Property Manager), CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member), and NAHP (National Assisted Housing Professional), who have provided property management solutions to the multi-family and commercial property management industry for more than twenty-six (26) years. The staff's experience includes management of conventional, Section 8, Public Housing, Tax Credit, and commercial properties... J. Allen Management Co., Inc., a Beaumont, Texas-based fully-integrated management firm,..
Also known as: J. Allen Management Co., Inc