Updated 262 days ago
28945 State Road 54 Suite 101 Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
At RejuvaMed, now Live Forever Health, we are dedicated to providing information and services that have proven their effectiveness in combating diseases. Our specialties include hormone treatments and integrative and preventive medicine. At RejuvaMed, now Live Forever Health we also provide Medical marijuana consultations to assist those qualified patients... At RejuvaMed we practice a different model of medicine. We intertwine not only intense and in-depth conversations between doctor and patient, but the application of solutions to treat the root cause of your concerns and illnesses. We provide comprehensive doctor patient visits centered on wellness, not sickness and you leave with answers and solutions. This is not your typical doctors office, not your typical doctors visit. You will not see a Medical Assistant or Nurse Practitioner. Plan on receiving extremely personalized care that addresses your primary concerns and much more. Our goal is to give you the best possible..