Updated 26 days ago
86 Thames Street, 3300 PO Box 6, 3340 Morrinsville, Waikato New Zealand
For more than 70 years, Daedong Manufacturing Company has been the leading Korean manufacturer of mechanised farming equipment. Since 1947, the company has continually expanded its technical knowledge and production capacity for mechanised farming equipment...
Starting with the successful introduction of the first water-cooled diesel engine in 1949, Daedong has continued to be a pioneer in the development of mechanised farming equipment technology. Noteworthy accomplishments include the power tiller in 1963, followed by the development of a full product line of tractors, combines, rice transplanters and garden tillers. Even now, Daedong is investing heavily in leading-edge technologies and new production facilities to assure the world class competitiveness of Kioti Daedong products. Daedong Industrial Co, Ltd., located in Daegu, South Korea, has been a world leader in the engineering and development of farming equipment for more than 50 years.
Also known as: Kioti New Zealand