Doctor Karen E. Guinn

Doctor Karen E. Guinn is a Board Certified Orthodontist and has been providing orthodontic care and changing lives one smile at a time for thirty years. She recognizes that each patient has specific needs and strives to provide the best orthodontic care for her patients. Her goal is to give you a brace lift without a facelift and help you live life smiling! Dr. Guinn believes the difference is in the details; she even uses Cosmetic procedures such as Botox to make the smile POP! She has treated all kinds of cases, from simple crowding to severe bite corrections. She loves providing orthodontics for all ages, so whether you are looking into Invisalign or braces for yourself or your children: Smile… the exam is free! As Dr. Guinn likes to say, "A Smile Never Dies…." She enjoys arranging orchids and riding her bike through downtown Pasadena in her free time.