Updated 48 days ago
1301 McKinney, Suite 2800 Houston, Texas 77010 United States
We are invest ment bankers. We do not invest, sell, trade, or loan mon ey. Instead, we part ner with healthy and hard-to-finance com pa nies to improve their bot tom lines, raise cap i tal or sell when ready. We ana lyze your finan cial health, sug gest oper a tional cost improve ments and pre pare com pre hen sive mate ri als to bring your trans ac tion to mar ket. Once your mate ri als are ready, we approach hun dreds of poten tial cap i tal providers to secure the right mon ey under the right terms at the right time...
The short est dis tance between your com pa ny and the cap i tal it needs might be get ting your finan cial house in order. Chiron's CPAs can help con nect the dots - ensur ing your snap shots of both the past and future are cred i ble and compelling...
We are a middle-market investment bank that works with companies in distress to improve their bottom line, raise capital, or sell. Contact us today!
Also known as: Chiron Finance, Chiron Financial LLC, Chiron Securities LLC
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