Updated 227 days ago
801 Industrial Drive, P.O. Box 88 Hicksville, OH 43526
Above all else, APT Manufacturing Solutions is committed to employee development and training in the manufacturing space. This begins with the idea that we cannot continue to grow without constantly producing talented engineers, programmers, machinists, and fabricators. We support this mission with a one-of-a-kind high school training program, where 10 high school students are selected to spend the afternoons at APT learning each segment of manufacturing (year one) and a deeper dive into their career target (year two). APT furthers this development post-graduation with 4 registered apprenticeship programs that funnel a handful of new employees through the pipeline each year. This passion for education has given way to APT Manufacturing Solutions' commitment to building training systems and curriculum that teaches Industry 4.0 and IIoT manufacturing in vocational schools, trade schools, and universities throughout the United States... Our mission at APT is to develop solutions for..
Also known as: APT
Associated domains: aptoolinc.com, fanucrobotintegrator.com