Updated 25 days ago
As for us - we position ourselves not as the "raiders in contrariwise meaning", we are rather the structure, correcting the injustice of the existing legal system protecting the rights of only those, who have sufficient funds to defend himself... The second peculiarity of the Fund, as the instrument is that we, unlike other law offices do not work for the "hourly fees", we are the FUND first of all - and our main mission is the wins in the courts as well as the increasing of the Fund's position with the shares of the enterprises, received in the result of the wins in the courts. We always agree with the corporation the stake we receive in case of our win before we invest in the lawsuit. The stake will always be high. In some cases we shall agree to invest in the lawsuit of the company only if we receive the controlling interest in shares after the win. Albeit, we can get shares of the company in case of win, we still pefer to get money, not stakes... Our Fund - European Litigation..