Updated 845 days ago
- Age: 29 years
- ID: 33680043/58
7456 Jager Court Cincinnati, Ohio 45230
McClellan / Rudick Affiliates, Inc. is a family-owned property damage firm, specializing in the assessment of origin, cause, extent of structural damage, and repair recommendations for buildings and other structures...
When you assign work to McClellan / Rudick & Affiliates, you can rest assured that the property damage consultant handling the assignment will not be inexperienced, resulting in potential problems with the assignment. Rather, a property damage consultant with 30 years of experience (and 10 years of construction experience) who has handled approximately 18,000 property damage assignments will be personally doing the work. McClellan Rudick has been in business since 1994...
McClellan Rudick maintains the highest ethical and professional standards, and we aim to provide our clients with thoughtful, factual and unbiased opinions.
Also known as: Rudick & Affiliates, Inc.