Updated 863 days ago
Labels bother me because we are all so much more than the labels we place on each other. Some of my labels, such as mom, daughter, sister, widow, friend, student, child of God, and preacher are all accurate, but none describe me completely. Other descriptors that most will not use to my face include stubborn, sarcastic, sad, and cold. And there are still others that do not need repeating. However, all of these said - and unsaid - labels apply and at various times some apply more than others...
So, who am I? What is there "about me" that anyone might need to know? I do not know. The only thing "about me" that I want people to know is that I have taken the hand life dealt me and I am trying to do my best. My best for my sons, my family, my churches, and my God. I invite you along on my journey.