Updated 24 days ago
Submit Inquiry Culver City, CA, 90232
There is something about a wedding or an image that creates a memory, a feeling a recollection of an emotion or an experience. Something that lets you re-live a special moment in time - that inspires you - that says "let me feel that again". Out of all of the images taken at different periods of time, there are always those special few that caught a moment when you let your guard down, a moment when the real you showed up, a moment that you want to enjoy over and over again. I want to help you capture more of those moments and create lasting memories that you can share with friends and family - or just keep for yourself - memories that can document your life and lifestyle - memories that can show your personality, your journey, the things that are important to you. Taking images that will excite you - that uniquely represent you and your experiences - that show you the beauty in the world and the beauty and strength inside you. Your images should help you keep those experiences and..