WTAMU - History of Changes

2025-01-07 delete email ml..@wtamu.edu
2025-01-07 delete person Melissa Lance
2025-01-07 insert email bm..@wtamu.edu
2025-01-07 insert person Berlin McIntosh
2025-01-07 insert person Heather Friemel
2025-01-07 insert person Kyal Browne
2025-01-07 insert phone 651-2940
2025-01-07 update person_description Dr. Andrew Hay => Dr. Andrew Hay
2025-01-07 update person_title Chip Chandler: Director of University Communications and Media Relations => Director of University Communication and Media Relations
2025-01-07 update person_title Chris Rea: Web Director => Director of University Web Development
2025-01-07 update person_title Darcy Lively: Writer / Producer => University Photographer / Videographer
2025-01-07 update person_title J. Pat Hickman: Advisory Board Committee Chair / Canyon, Texas => null
2025-01-07 update person_title Mark Bivins: Partner => Advisory Board Committee Chair / Amarillo, Texas; Partner
2025-01-07 update person_title Meghan Watts: Print Shop Manager => Manager of University Print Services
2025-01-07 update person_title Michelle Martinez de la Torre: Senior Graphic Designer => University Senior Graphic Designer
2024-10-05 update person_title Brandy Pacheco: Executive; Administrative Associate; Academic Affairs Staff Member => Chief of Staff for the Provost; Academic Affairs Staff Member
2024-10-05 update person_title Chip Chandler: Senior Communications Specialist => Director of University Communications and Media Relations
2024-08-03 delete personal_emails je..@sscserv.com
2024-08-03 delete president Steven Knadle
2024-08-03 insert personal_emails am..@sscserv.com
2024-08-03 insert treasurer Amanda Ryder
2024-08-03 insert vp Doug Lipinski
2024-08-03 delete email as..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 delete email dg..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 delete email jc..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 delete email je..@sscserv.com
2024-08-03 delete email jh..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 delete email kk..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 delete email lv..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 delete email mb..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 delete email mm..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 delete email my..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 delete index_pages_linkeddomain ngwebsolutions.com
2024-08-03 delete person Dane Glenn
2024-08-03 delete person Dr. Jessica Mallard
2024-08-03 delete person Jennifer Jones
2024-08-03 delete person Jessica Hanke
2024-08-03 delete person Jonathan Cordova
2024-08-03 delete person Kim Kopke
2024-08-03 delete person Madison Mays
2024-08-03 delete person Michelle Blake
2024-08-03 delete person Michelle Vinyard
2024-08-03 delete person Mike Young
2024-08-03 delete person Thompson Mayberry
2024-08-03 delete phone 651-2037
2024-08-03 delete phone 651-2038
2024-08-03 delete phone 651-2042
2024-08-03 delete phone 651-2341
2024-08-03 delete phone 651-2796
2024-08-03 delete phone 651-2972
2024-08-03 insert about_pages_linkeddomain qualtrics.com
2024-08-03 insert email ak..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 insert email am..@sscserv.com
2024-08-03 insert email ar..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 insert email de..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 insert email ki..@sscserv.com
2024-08-03 insert email ml..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 insert email sf..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 insert email sp..@wtamu.edu
2024-08-03 insert email tr..@sscserv.com
2024-08-03 insert person Amanda Fix
2024-08-03 insert person Amanda Ryder
2024-08-03 insert person Andy Kraus
2024-08-03 insert person Daulton Eastin
2024-08-03 insert person Doug Lipinski
2024-08-03 insert person Dr. Dan Peterson
2024-08-03 insert person Kimberly Shipman
2024-08-03 insert person Melissa Lance
2024-08-03 insert person Sabrina Pugh
2024-08-03 insert person Shelby Ford
2024-08-03 insert person Trace Patrick
2024-08-03 insert phone 651-2157
2024-08-03 insert phone 651-2313
2024-08-03 insert phone 651-2345
2024-08-03 insert phone 651-3352
2024-08-03 update person_description Dr. Angela Spaulding => Dr. Angela Spaulding
2024-08-03 update person_title Dr. Angela Spaulding: Vice President of Research and Compliance / Dean of Graduate School / Professor of Educational Leadership; Vice President for Research and Compliance and Dean of Graduate Studies; Professor; Administration => Vice President for Research and Compliance and Dean of Graduate Studies; Administration
2024-08-03 update person_title Evelyn Montoya: null => Communication and Outreach Committee Chair
2024-08-03 update person_title John Bassett: null => Employee of the Month Committee Chair
2024-08-03 update person_title Laura Seals: null => Secretary
2024-08-03 update person_title Pam Young: Director, Human Resources / EEO Officer => Professional Development Committee Chair; Director, Human Resources / EEO Officer
2024-08-03 update person_title Steven Knadle: President; Staff Council President => President / Elections Committee Chair; Staff Council President
2024-07-02 delete about_pages_linkeddomain qualtrics.com
2024-07-02 delete email sh..@wtamu.edu
2024-07-02 delete person Shelli Haynes
2024-07-02 insert email cj..@wtamu.edu
2024-07-02 insert person Charlee Jones
2024-07-02 update person_title Megan Groff: Human Resources Generalist I => Human Resources Generalist II
2024-05-31 delete email jw..@wtamu.edu
2024-05-31 insert email dd..@wtamu.edu
2024-05-31 insert person Thompson Mayberry
2024-05-31 update person_description James D. Webb => James D. Webb
2024-03-24 insert founder John Bellinger
2024-03-24 delete about_pages_linkeddomain secure.force.com
2024-03-24 delete about_pages_linkeddomain youvisit.com
2024-03-24 delete email dp..@wtamu.edu
2024-03-24 delete email kp..@wtamu.edu
2024-03-24 delete index_pages_linkeddomain secure.force.com
2024-03-24 delete management_pages_linkeddomain dropbox.com
2024-03-24 delete management_pages_linkeddomain thestationofthecross.com
2024-03-24 delete person Kelly Carper Polden
2024-03-24 delete person Lionel Sosa
2024-03-24 insert email dj..@wtamu.edu
2024-03-24 insert index_pages_linkeddomain covecreekproductions.com
2024-03-24 insert person Bryant Coon
2024-03-24 insert person Dr. David Yoskowitz
2024-03-24 insert person Dr. Paul Matney
2024-03-24 insert person Ellen Jones
2024-03-24 insert person John Bellinger
2024-03-24 insert person Karen Corea
2024-03-24 update person_description Dr. Andrew Hay => Dr. Andrew Hay
2024-03-24 update person_description Joel Hogue => Joel Hogue
2023-10-15 delete personal_emails aa..@sscserv.com
2023-10-15 delete personal_emails jo..@sscser.com
2023-10-15 insert president Wendler Christmas
2023-10-15 delete address WTAMU Box 60972 Canyon, Texas 79016-0001 Old Main 308
2023-10-15 delete email aa..@sscserv.com
2023-10-15 delete email ho..@aramark.com
2023-10-15 delete email jo..@sscser.com
2023-10-15 delete person Aaron Shehan
2023-10-15 delete person Heather Holmes
2023-10-15 delete person Joe Beckwith
2023-10-15 delete phone 651-2714
2023-10-15 insert address Canyon, Texas 79016-0001 Old Main Suites 308, 309 and 310
2023-10-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain ngwebsolutions.com
2023-10-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain secure.force.com
2023-10-15 insert person Wendler Christmas
2023-09-10 delete otherexecutives Neal Multicultural Suite
2023-09-10 insert personal_emails ci..@sscerv.com
2023-09-10 insert vp Stefanie West
2023-09-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain eventcaddy.com
2023-09-10 delete career_pages_linkeddomain youvisit.com
2023-09-10 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain youvisit.com
2023-09-10 delete email bm..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 delete email db..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 delete email go..@sscserv.com
2023-09-10 delete email je..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 delete email jf..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 delete email lg..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 delete email mt..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 delete email pm..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 delete email sp..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 delete index_pages_linkeddomain youvisit.com
2023-09-10 delete management_pages_linkeddomain youvisit.com
2023-09-10 delete person Beth Mowry
2023-09-10 delete person Brittny Lee
2023-09-10 delete person Diane Brice
2023-09-10 delete person Julie Eatley
2023-09-10 delete person Lynn Garrett
2023-09-10 delete person Neal Multicultural Suite
2023-09-10 delete person Priscilla Mendoza
2023-09-10 delete person Stan Pena
2023-09-10 delete phone 651-2081
2023-09-10 delete phone 651-2347
2023-09-10 delete phone 651-2383
2023-09-10 delete phone 651-2651
2023-09-10 delete phone 651-2665
2023-09-10 delete phone 651-2939
2023-09-10 delete phone 651-4902
2023-09-10 delete phone 651-5354
2023-09-10 delete service_pages_linkeddomain youvisit.com
2023-09-10 insert about_pages_linkeddomain signup.com
2023-09-10 insert email am..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 insert email ci..@sscerv.com
2023-09-10 insert email dm..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 insert email em..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 insert email ho..@aramark.com
2023-09-10 insert email jb..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 insert email jc..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 insert email jh..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 insert email ls..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 insert email lv..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 insert email mb..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 insert email mm..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 insert email mu..@aramark.com
2023-09-10 insert email tl..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 insert email vh..@wtamu.edu
2023-09-10 insert person Andrew Mangum
2023-09-10 insert person Cindy Riggs
2023-09-10 insert person Deanna Moore
2023-09-10 insert person Evelyn Montoya
2023-09-10 insert person Heather Holmes
2023-09-10 insert person Jessica Hanke
2023-09-10 insert person John Bassett
2023-09-10 insert person Jonathan Cordova
2023-09-10 insert person Laura Seals
2023-09-10 insert person Madison Mays
2023-09-10 insert person Maria Mungia
2023-09-10 insert person Michelle Blake
2023-09-10 insert person Michelle Vinyard
2023-09-10 insert person Tiffany Lott
2023-09-10 insert person Vicki Hamblen
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-1094
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-2002
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-2037
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-2038
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-2051
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-2085
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-2229
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-2341
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-2706
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-2714
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-2759
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-2951
2023-09-10 insert phone 651-3500
2023-09-10 update person_title Courtnee Mild: Payroll Specialist I => Payroll Specialist II
2023-09-10 update person_title Janna Johnson: Employee Benefits Representative => Employee Benefits Representative II
2023-09-10 update person_title Kim Kopke: Secretary => null
2023-09-10 update person_title Pam Young: Assistant Director of Human Resources / EEO Officer => Director, Human Resources / EEO Officer
2023-09-10 update person_title Shannon Ham: Manager, Benefits and Payroll Services => Director, Payroll & Benefits Administration
2023-09-10 update person_title Shelli Haynes: Human Resources Generalist I - Student Employment => Human Resources Generalist II - Student Employment
2023-09-10 update person_title Stefanie West: null => Vice President
2023-08-08 delete email sf..@wtamu.edu
2023-08-08 delete person Annie Valicek
2023-08-08 delete person Dr. Ashley Pinkham
2023-08-08 delete person Dr. Eddie Henderson
2023-08-08 delete person Dr. J. Dirk Nelson
2023-08-08 delete person Shelby Ford
2023-08-08 insert email mg..@wtamu.edu
2023-08-08 insert person Dr. Gary Bigham
2023-08-08 insert person Dr. Holly Jeffreys
2023-08-08 insert person Dr. Jason Yarbrough
2023-08-08 insert person Filiberto Avila
2023-08-08 insert person Megan Groff
2023-08-08 update person_description Caitlin Eastin => Caitlin Eastin
2023-08-08 update person_title Caitlin Eastin: null => Human Resources Generalist I
2023-06-03 delete email da..@wtamu.edu
2023-06-03 delete person Carlos Guerrero
2023-06-03 delete person Dani Atchley
2023-06-03 insert person Courtnee Mild
2023-04-20 delete president Amanda Rogers
2023-04-20 delete vp Steven Knadle
2023-04-20 insert president Steven Knadle
2023-04-20 delete email ar..@wtamu.edu
2023-04-20 delete email je..@wtamu.edu
2023-04-20 delete email lg..@wtamu.edu
2023-04-20 delete person Amanda Rogers
2023-04-20 delete person Jennifer Johnson
2023-04-20 delete person Lauren Gaston
2023-04-20 delete phone 651-2018
2023-04-20 delete phone 651-2340
2023-04-20 delete phone 651-2346
2023-04-20 delete phone 651-2785
2023-04-20 insert phone 651-2972
2023-04-20 update person_title Lynn Garrett: Treasurer / Fundraising Committee Chair => Fundraising Committee Chair
2023-04-20 update person_title Steven Knadle: Vice President => President; Staff Council President
2023-03-19 delete email cd..@wtamu.edu
2023-03-19 delete person Caitlin Doyle
2023-03-19 delete person Caitlin Easton
2023-03-19 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain webdeskprint.com
2023-03-19 insert email mm..@wtamu.edu
2023-03-19 insert person Caitlin Eastin
2023-03-19 insert person Michelle Martinez de la Torre
2023-02-16 delete personal_emails ke..@sscserv.com
2023-02-16 insert personal_emails aa..@sscserv.com
2023-02-16 insert personal_emails jo..@sscser.com
2023-02-16 delete email ja..@sscserv.com
2023-02-16 delete email ke..@sscserv.com
2023-02-16 delete email kr..@wtamu.edu
2023-02-16 delete email sy..@wtamu.edu
2023-02-16 delete person Jamie Wopperer
2023-02-16 delete person Kenneth Flatt
2023-02-16 delete person Kyle Rainey
2023-02-16 delete person Sonja Young
2023-02-16 delete phone 651-2132
2023-02-16 delete phone 651-2805
2023-02-16 delete phone 651-3197
2023-02-16 insert email aa..@sscserv.com
2023-02-16 insert email ce..@wtamu.edu
2023-02-16 insert email jo..@sscser.com
2023-02-16 insert email pm..@wtamu.edu
2023-02-16 insert person Aaron Shehan
2023-02-16 insert person Caitlin Easton
2023-02-16 insert person Joe Beckwith
2023-02-16 insert person Priscilla Mendoza
2023-02-16 insert phone 651-2665
2023-02-16 insert phone 651-5354
2023-01-15 insert email py..@wtamu.edu
2023-01-15 insert person Pam Young
2023-01-15 update person_title Janna Johnson: Payroll Specialist III => Employee Benefits Representative
2022-12-14 delete email am..@wtamu.edu
2022-12-14 delete email nh..@wtamu.edu
2022-12-14 delete person Cason Waters
2022-12-14 delete person Nancy Hampton
2022-12-14 delete phone 806-651-2943
2022-12-14 insert person Dr. Christopher Thomas
2022-12-14 update person_title Dani Atchley: Human Resources Generalist I - Student Employment => Human Resources Generalist I
2022-11-13 delete email jm..@wtamu.edu
2022-11-13 delete person Dr. Brad Johnson
2022-11-13 delete person Jeremie Middleton
2022-11-13 delete phone 651-2389
2022-11-13 insert email sw..@wtamu.edu
2022-11-13 insert person Stefanie West
2022-11-13 insert phone 651-2033
2022-11-13 update person_title Michael J. Knox: Vice President for Enrollment and Academic Services; Vice President of Enrollment Management; Administration => Vice President for Enrollment Management; Administration
2022-11-13 update person_title Mike Young: null => Employee of the Month Committee Chair
2022-10-12 delete email cp..@wtamu.edu
2022-10-12 delete email gv..@wtamu.edu
2022-10-12 delete email mg..@wtamu.edu
2022-10-12 delete email sw..@wtamu.edu
2022-10-12 delete person Alyssa Mince
2022-10-12 delete person Cindy Platt
2022-10-12 delete person Glendis Villasmil
2022-10-12 delete person Margaret Gough
2022-10-12 delete person Stefanie West
2022-10-12 delete phone 651-3483
2022-10-12 delete phone 806-651-2118
2022-10-12 delete phone 806-651-2320
2022-10-12 insert about_pages_linkeddomain eventcaddy.com
2022-10-12 insert email pa..@wtamu.edu
2022-10-12 insert email rb..@wtamu.edu
2022-10-12 insert email sl..@wtamu.edu
2022-10-12 insert person Bob Baack
2022-10-12 insert person Carlos Guerrero
2022-10-12 insert person Stephanie Loya
2022-10-12 insert phone 651-3482
2022-10-12 insert phone 806-651-2321
2022-10-12 update person_description Cason Waters => Cason Waters
2022-10-12 update person_title Dani Atchley: Human Resources Advisor I => Human Resources Generalist I - Student Employment
2022-10-12 update person_title Lauren Gaston: Staff Appreciation and Events Committee Chair => Administrative Coordinator I; Staff Appreciation and Events Committee Chair
2022-10-12 update person_title Michael J. Knox: Vice President for Student Enrollment, Engagement, and Success; Administration => Vice President for Enrollment and Academic Services; Vice President of Enrollment Management; Administration
2022-10-12 update person_title Shannon Ham: Manager, Payroll Services => Manager, Benefits and Payroll Services
2022-10-12 update person_title Shelby Ford: Human Resources Advisor II => Human Resources Generalist I
2022-10-12 update person_title Shelli Haynes: Human Resources Advisor I => Human Resources Generalist I - Student Employment
2022-10-12 update robots_txt_status wtaccess.wtamu.edu: 200 => 0
2022-10-12 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2022-09-19 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2022-07-18 delete personal_emails sa..@sscserv.com
2022-07-18 delete president Dane Glenn
2022-07-18 insert personal_emails je..@sscserv.com
2022-07-18 insert president Amanda Rogers
2022-07-18 insert vp Steven Knadle
2022-07-18 delete email ab..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 delete email af..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 delete email bm..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 delete email co..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 delete email cw..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 delete email lr..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 delete email sa..@sscserv.com
2022-07-18 delete person Abigail Betts
2022-07-18 delete person Austin Farley
2022-07-18 delete person Barbara Ferrara
2022-07-18 delete person Berlin McIntosh
2022-07-18 delete person Darcy Webber
2022-07-18 delete person Leo Reid
2022-07-18 delete person Mary Freas
2022-07-18 delete person Sam Green
2022-07-18 delete person Sami Thompson
2022-07-18 delete person Sandra Ellis
2022-07-18 delete phone 651-2318
2022-07-18 delete phone 651-2336
2022-07-18 delete phone 651-2360
2022-07-18 delete phone 651-2364
2022-07-18 delete phone 651-2370
2022-07-18 delete phone 651-2424
2022-07-18 delete phone 651-2438
2022-07-18 delete phone 651-2977
2022-07-18 delete phone 651-3003
2022-07-18 delete phone 651-4653
2022-07-18 delete phone 651-4939
2022-07-18 delete phone 651-5309
2022-07-18 delete phone 673-9154
2022-07-18 insert email be..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 insert email db..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 insert email go..@sscserv.com
2022-07-18 insert email je..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 insert email je..@sscserv.com
2022-07-18 insert email kk..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 insert email kr..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 insert email lg..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 insert email mt..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 insert email my..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 insert email sk..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 insert email sp..@wtamu.edu
2022-07-18 insert person Diane Brice
2022-07-18 insert person Jennifer Johnson
2022-07-18 insert person Jennifer Jones
2022-07-18 insert person Kim Kopke
2022-07-18 insert person Kyle Rainey
2022-07-18 insert person Lynn Garrett
2022-07-18 insert person Madison Thetford
2022-07-18 insert person Mike Young
2022-07-18 insert person Stan Pena
2022-07-18 insert person Steven Knadle
2022-07-18 insert phone 651-1240
2022-07-18 insert phone 651-2042
2022-07-18 insert phone 651-2081
2022-07-18 insert phone 651-2340
2022-07-18 insert phone 651-2346
2022-07-18 insert phone 651-2347
2022-07-18 insert phone 651-2805
2022-07-18 insert phone 651-2939
2022-07-18 insert phone 651-3197
2022-07-18 insert phone 651-4902
2022-07-18 insert phone 651-4938
2022-07-18 update person_description Shelli Haynes => Shelli Haynes
2022-07-18 update person_title Amanda Rogers: Secretary => President; Staff Council President
2022-07-18 update person_title Beth Mowry: Staff Appreciation & Events Committee Chair => null
2022-07-18 update person_title Brittny Lee: Spirit Committee Chair => null
2022-07-18 update person_title Dane Glenn: President; Staff Council President => Election Committee Chair
2022-07-18 update person_title Jeremie Middleton: null => Employee of the Month Committee Chair
2022-07-18 update person_title Lauren Gaston: Treasurer / Treasurer & Scholarship Committee Chair => Staff Appreciation and Events Committee Chair
2022-05-17 delete personal_emails jh..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete personal_emails kb..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete personal_emails kh..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete personal_emails lc..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete personal_emails ms..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete personal_emails rb..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete personal_emails zw..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete about_pages_linkeddomain eventcaddy.com
2022-05-17 delete about_pages_linkeddomain wtamu.online
2022-05-17 delete email ar..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email cm..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email da..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email hs..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email jb..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email jh..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email kb..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email kc..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email kh..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email km..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email lc..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email lg..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email ms..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email rb..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email tc..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email tl..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email tm..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email tr..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email zs..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete email zw..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 delete index_pages_linkeddomain wtamu.online
2022-05-17 delete management_pages_linkeddomain wtamu.online
2022-05-17 delete person Anne Medlock
2022-05-17 delete person Bryan Garcia
2022-05-17 delete person Heidi Hicks
2022-05-17 delete person Julie Harvell
2022-05-17 delete person Lauren Cazarez
2022-05-17 insert about_pages_linkeddomain qualtrics.com
2022-05-17 insert address 2501 4th Ave, Canyon, TX, 79015
2022-05-17 insert address WT Box 60999 Canyon, TX 79016
2022-05-17 insert email aw..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 insert email mg..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 insert email rh..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 insert email sf..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 insert email tp..@wtamu.edu
2022-05-17 insert person Annie Valicek
2022-05-17 insert person Dr. Ashley Pinkham
2022-05-17 insert person Margaret Gough
2022-05-17 insert person Renee' Huseman
2022-05-17 insert person Shelby Ford
2022-05-17 update person_title Cason Waters: Human Resources Advisor II => Employee Benefits Representative
2022-05-17 update person_title Dr. Eddie Henderson: Dean of the College of Education and Social Sciences => Dean of the Terry B. Rogers College of Education and Social Sciences
2022-05-17 update person_title Tracee Post: Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communication; Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communications => Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communication
2022-02-08 delete chro Nancy Hampton
2022-02-08 delete email bb..@wtamu.edu
2022-02-08 delete email bp..@wtamu.edu
2022-02-08 delete email da..@wtenterprisecenter.com
2022-02-08 delete person Barbara Palmer
2022-02-08 delete person Brittany Beebe
2022-02-08 delete person David Wilson
2022-02-08 delete phone 651-2312
2022-02-08 delete phone 651-8482
2022-02-08 delete phone 651-8507
2022-02-08 insert email af..@wtamu.edu
2022-02-08 insert email sw..@wtamu.edu
2022-02-08 insert email wp..@wtamu.edu
2022-02-08 insert person Austin Farley
2022-02-08 insert person Stefanie West
2022-02-08 insert person Warren Pitt
2022-02-08 insert phone 651-2018
2022-02-08 insert phone 651-2364
2022-02-08 insert phone 651-3483
2022-02-08 update person_description Dani Atchley => Dani Atchley
2022-02-08 update person_description Shelli Haynes => Shelli Haynes
2022-02-08 update person_title Cason Waters: Human Resources Advisor I => Human Resources Advisor II
2022-02-08 update person_title Dani Atchley: Human Resources Assistant => Human Resources Advisor I
2022-02-08 update person_title Nancy Hampton: Director, Human Resources => Human Resources Administrator
2021-12-02 delete otherexecutives Ashley Gardner
2021-12-02 insert personal_emails ke..@sscserv.com
2021-12-02 delete address WTAMU Box 60972 Canyon, Texas 79016-0001 Old Main 116
2021-12-02 delete email dk..@wtamu.edu
2021-12-02 delete email mh..@wtamu.edu
2021-12-02 delete email vv..@wtamu.edu
2021-12-02 delete person Ashley Gardner
2021-12-02 delete person Jeff Mayo
2021-12-02 delete person Meghan Hail
2021-12-02 delete person Sonya Young
2021-12-02 insert address WTAMU Box 60972 Canyon, Texas 79016-0001 Old Main 308
2021-12-02 insert email am..@wtamu.edu
2021-12-02 insert email da..@wtamu.edu
2021-12-02 insert email ke..@sscserv.com
2021-12-02 insert email mw..@wtamu.edu
2021-12-02 insert email pf..@wtamu.edu
2021-12-02 insert email sh..@wtamu.edu
2021-12-02 insert email tr..@wtamu.edu
2021-12-02 insert person Alyssa Mince
2021-12-02 insert person Dani Atchley
2021-12-02 insert person Heidi Hicks
2021-12-02 insert person Kenneth Flatt
2021-12-02 insert person Paul Fenstermaker
2021-12-02 insert person Shelli Haynes
2021-12-02 insert phone 673-9154
2021-12-02 insert phone 806-651-2032
2021-12-02 insert phone 806-651-2118
2021-12-02 insert phone 806-651-2120
2021-12-02 insert phone 806-651-2125
2021-12-02 insert phone 806-651-2128
2021-12-02 insert phone 806-651-2129
2021-12-02 insert phone 806-651-2319
2021-12-02 insert phone 806-651-2320
2021-12-02 insert phone 806-651-2922
2021-12-02 update person_description Janna Johnson => Janna Johnson
2021-12-02 update person_title Berlin McIntosh: null => Employee of the Month Committee Chair
2021-12-02 update person_title Glendis Villasmil: Coordinator => Manager, Student Employment
2021-12-02 update person_title Janna Johnson: Payroll Specialist II; Receptionist and Initial Point of Contact for HR and Payroll Posts Job Vacancies and Assists With the Employment Processes => Payroll Specialist III
2021-12-02 update person_title Leo Reid: Employee of the Month Committee Chair => null
2021-09-04 delete email ju..@wtsbdc.com
2021-09-04 delete person Heather Friemel
2021-09-04 delete person Seth Rodriguez
2021-09-04 delete phone 651-5155
2021-09-04 delete phone 806-651-2118
2021-09-04 insert about_pages_linkeddomain eventcaddy.com
2021-09-04 insert email cw..@wtamu.edu
2021-09-04 insert email je..@wtamu.edu
2021-09-04 insert person Anne Medlock
2021-09-04 insert person Bryan Garcia
2021-09-04 insert person Cason Waters
2021-09-04 insert person Dr. Andrew Hay
2021-09-04 insert person S. Shawn Stephens
2021-09-04 insert phone 651-2383
2021-09-04 insert phone 806-651-2943
2021-09-04 update person_title Dane Glenn: President => President; Staff Council President
2021-09-04 update person_title Dr. Brad Johnson: Vice President of Strategic Relations => Vice President for Community College Relations
2021-09-04 update person_title Dr. Jessica Mallard: Dean of the Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities / Interim Director of the Panhandle - Plains Historical Museum; Dean of the Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities => Dean of the Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities
2021-08-01 delete personal_emails ci..@sscserv.com
2021-08-01 delete personal_emails ke..@sscserv.com
2021-08-01 delete president Carolina Galloway
2021-08-01 insert president Dane Glenn
2021-08-01 delete email ae..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 delete email bs..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 delete email cc..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 delete email ci..@sscserv.com
2021-08-01 delete email dm..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 delete email dw..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 delete email js..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 delete email ke..@sscserv.com
2021-08-01 delete email rh..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 delete email tc..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 delete email ty..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 delete person Ashley Eller
2021-08-01 delete person Betty Stocker
2021-08-01 delete person Candice Copelin
2021-08-01 delete person Cindy Riggs
2021-08-01 delete person Dana Melcher
2021-08-01 delete person Jeff Sulik
2021-08-01 delete person Kenneth Flatt
2021-08-01 delete person Ronnie Hall
2021-08-01 delete person Tamara Castagnetta
2021-08-01 delete person Taryn Yildirim
2021-08-01 delete phone 651-1240
2021-08-01 delete phone 651-2044
2021-08-01 delete phone 651-2144
2021-08-01 delete phone 651-2317
2021-08-01 delete phone 651-2529
2021-08-01 delete phone 651-3005
2021-08-01 delete phone 651-3331
2021-08-01 delete phone 651-3337
2021-08-01 delete phone 651-8241
2021-08-01 insert email ar..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 insert email bl..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 insert email bm..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 insert email bp..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 insert email da..@wtenterprisecenter.com
2021-08-01 insert email ja..@sscserv.com
2021-08-01 insert email jf..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 insert email jm..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 insert email ju..@wtsbdc.com
2021-08-01 insert email lg..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 insert email mf..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 insert email sg..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 insert email sy..@wtamu.edu
2021-08-01 insert person Amanda Rogers
2021-08-01 insert person Barbara Palmer
2021-08-01 insert person Beth Mowry
2021-08-01 insert person Brittny Lee
2021-08-01 insert person Jamie Wopperer
2021-08-01 insert person Jeremie Middleton
2021-08-01 insert person Jerry Faltinek
2021-08-01 insert person Julie Eatley
2021-08-01 insert person Lauren Gaston
2021-08-01 insert person Mary Freas
2021-08-01 insert person Sam Green
2021-08-01 insert person Sonya Young
2021-08-01 insert phone 651-2312
2021-08-01 insert phone 651-2336
2021-08-01 insert phone 651-2370
2021-08-01 insert phone 651-2389
2021-08-01 insert phone 651-2438
2021-08-01 insert phone 651-2651
2021-08-01 insert phone 651-2785
2021-08-01 insert phone 651-4653
2021-08-01 insert phone 651-5155
2021-08-01 insert phone 651-8482
2021-08-01 insert phone 651-8507
2021-08-01 update person_title Abigail Betts: Secretary => Vice President / Professional Development Committee Chair
2021-08-01 update person_title Carolina Galloway: President; Staff Council President => Staff Council President
2021-08-01 update person_title Dane Glenn: null => President
2021-08-01 update person_title Darcy Webber: Spirit Commitee Chair => null
2021-08-01 update person_title Leo Reid: null => Employee of the Month Committee Chair
2021-08-01 update person_title Sami Thompson: null => Communications & Outreach Committee Chair
2021-07-01 delete email km..@wtamu.edu
2021-07-01 delete index_pages_linkeddomain youtu.be
2021-07-01 delete person Kelsey Morris
2021-07-01 update person_title Brittany Beebe: Human Resources Advisor I => Human Resources Advisor II
2021-05-31 insert personal_emails kh..@wtamu.edu
2021-05-31 delete email af..@wtamu.edu
2021-05-31 delete email cr..@wtamu.edu
2021-05-31 delete email dp..@wtamu.edu
2021-05-31 delete email sd..@wtamu.edu
2021-05-31 delete email sr..@wtamu.edu
2021-05-31 insert email db..@wtamu.edu
2021-05-31 insert email kc..@wtamu.edu
2021-05-31 insert email kh..@wtamu.edu
2021-05-31 insert index_pages_linkeddomain youtu.be
2021-05-31 insert management_pages_linkeddomain office.com
2021-05-31 insert person Amberly C. Winningham
2021-05-31 update person_title Tracee Post: Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communications => Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communication; Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communications
2021-04-13 delete email zm..@wtamu.edu
2021-04-13 delete person Zach McMeans
2021-04-13 delete phone 651-2578
2021-04-13 insert email st..@wtamu.edu
2021-04-13 insert management_pages_linkeddomain palodurocanyon.com
2021-04-13 insert management_pages_linkeddomain panhandleplains.org
2021-04-13 insert management_pages_linkeddomain texas-show.com
2021-04-13 insert person Destiny Blundell
2021-04-13 insert person Melissa Reyher White
2021-04-13 insert person Sami Thompson
2021-04-13 insert phone 651-2977
2021-04-13 insert phone 806-651-4964
2021-04-13 update website_status DomainNotFound => OK
2021-02-18 update website_status OK => DomainNotFound
2021-01-18 delete phone 806-651-4902
2021-01-18 delete phone 806-651-4905
2021-01-18 insert about_pages_linkeddomain asana.com
2020-10-02 insert personal_emails ms..@wtamu.edu
2020-10-02 insert personal_emails zw..@wtamu.edu
2020-10-02 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain wtamu.online
2020-10-02 delete email sh..@wtamu.edu
2020-10-02 delete person Brittany Castillo
2020-10-02 delete person Colton Bourquin
2020-10-02 delete person Dr. Wade Schaffer
2020-10-02 delete person Sandy Roberts
2020-10-02 delete person Sarah Hale
2020-10-02 delete phone 651-2340
2020-10-02 delete phone 806-651-2682
2020-10-02 delete phone 806-651-4963
2020-10-02 insert email cd..@wtamu.edu
2020-10-02 insert email cr..@wtamu.edu
2020-10-02 insert email km..@wtamu.edu
2020-10-02 insert email ms..@wtamu.edu
2020-10-02 insert email zw..@wtamu.edu
2020-10-02 insert management_pages_linkeddomain newschannel10.com
2020-10-02 insert person Dr. Amjad Abdullat
2020-10-02 insert person Katie McBride
2020-10-02 insert person Seth Rodriguez
2020-10-02 insert person Steven Knadle
2020-10-02 insert phone 651-2529
2020-10-02 update person_title Carolina Galloway: President => President; Staff Council President
2020-10-02 update person_title Dr. Jessica Mallard: Dean of Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities => Dean of the Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities / Interim Director of the Panhandle - Plains Historical Museum; Dean of the Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities
2020-10-02 update person_title Dr. Neil Terry: Dean of the Paul and Virginia College of Business; Provost / Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs => Executive Vice President and Provost; Executive Vice President and Provost / Deans
2020-10-02 update person_title Dr. Todd Rasberry: Vice President for Philanthropy and Alumni Relations; Vice President for Institutional Advancement => Vice President for Philanthropy and External Relations
2020-10-02 update person_title Michael McBroom: Director of Athletics => Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
2020-10-02 update person_title Tracee Post: Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Planning; Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communications => Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communications
2020-07-26 delete personal_emails mi..@sscserv.com
2020-07-26 delete personal_emails ri..@sscserv.com
2020-07-26 delete personal_emails st..@sscserv.com
2020-07-26 delete president David Wilson
2020-07-26 delete treasurer Ashley Eller
2020-07-26 delete vp Nanna Fisher
2020-07-26 insert personal_emails ke..@sscserv.com
2020-07-26 insert personal_emails sa..@sscserv.com
2020-07-26 insert president Carolina Galloway
2020-07-26 delete email ap..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 delete email bd..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 delete email bj..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 delete email bp..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 delete email bp..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 delete email jm..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 delete email mi..@sscserv.com
2020-07-26 delete email mr..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 delete email ms..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 delete email nf..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 delete email ri..@sscserv.com
2020-07-26 delete email st..@sscserv.com
2020-07-26 delete person Alyssa Paschel
2020-07-26 delete person Ashley Hildebrandt
2020-07-26 delete person Barbara Palmer
2020-07-26 delete person Brandon Johnson
2020-07-26 delete person Brandy Pacheco
2020-07-26 delete person Brooke DePue
2020-07-26 delete person Michael Reagan
2020-07-26 delete person Misael Rosales
2020-07-26 delete person Nanna Fisher
2020-07-26 delete person Rick Kotara
2020-07-26 delete person Steve McKinley
2020-07-26 delete phone 651-2034
2020-07-26 delete phone 651-2070
2020-07-26 delete phone 651-2104
2020-07-26 delete phone 651-2131
2020-07-26 delete phone 651-2306
2020-07-26 delete phone 651-2341
2020-07-26 delete phone 651-2345
2020-07-26 delete phone 651-2529
2020-07-26 delete phone 651-3008
2020-07-26 delete phone 651-5302
2020-07-26 delete phone 806-651-2362
2020-07-26 insert email ab..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 insert email bf..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 insert email bm..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 insert email cc..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 insert email dg..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 insert email dw..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 insert email ke..@sscserv.com
2020-07-26 insert email lr..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 insert email sa..@sscserv.com
2020-07-26 insert email ty..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 insert email zm..@wtamu.edu
2020-07-26 insert person Abigail Betts
2020-07-26 insert person Amberly C. Hildebrandt
2020-07-26 insert person Barbara Ferrara
2020-07-26 insert person Berlin McIntosh
2020-07-26 insert person Candice Copelin
2020-07-26 insert person Dane Glenn
2020-07-26 insert person Darcy Webber
2020-07-26 insert person Kenneth Flatt
2020-07-26 insert person Leo Reid
2020-07-26 insert person Sandra Ellis
2020-07-26 insert person Taryn Yildirim
2020-07-26 insert person Zach McMeans
2020-07-26 insert phone 651-2044
2020-07-26 insert phone 651-2132
2020-07-26 insert phone 651-2133
2020-07-26 insert phone 651-2317
2020-07-26 insert phone 651-2318
2020-07-26 insert phone 651-2360
2020-07-26 insert phone 651-2424
2020-07-26 insert phone 651-2578
2020-07-26 insert phone 651-2796
2020-07-26 insert phone 651-4939
2020-07-26 insert phone 651-8241
2020-07-26 insert phone 806-651-2926
2020-07-26 update person_title Ashley Eller: Treasurer => Treasurer / Scholarships Committee Chair
2020-07-26 update person_title Betty Stocker: null => Vice President / EOM Committee Chair
2020-07-26 update person_title Carolina Galloway: null => President
2020-07-26 update person_title David Wilson: President => Staff Member
2020-07-26 update person_title Jeff Mayo: Secretary; Administrative Assistant I => Administrative Assistant I
2020-07-26 update person_title Jeff Sulik: null => Professional Development Committee Chair
2020-07-26 update person_title Ronnie Hall: null => Staff Appreciation & Events Committee Chair
2020-07-26 update person_title Tracee Post: Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Planning => Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Planning; Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communications
2020-06-24 delete about_pages_linkeddomain applytexas.org
2020-06-24 delete career_pages_linkeddomain applytexas.org
2020-06-24 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain applytexas.org
2020-06-24 delete index_pages_linkeddomain applytexas.org
2020-06-24 delete management_pages_linkeddomain applytexas.org
2020-06-24 insert management_pages_linkeddomain thestationofthecross.com
2020-05-25 delete index_pages_linkeddomain catertrax.com
2020-05-25 delete index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2020-05-25 delete index_pages_linkeddomain txhighereddata.org
2020-05-25 insert index_pages_linkeddomain campusdish.com
2020-05-25 insert index_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2020-05-25 insert index_pages_linkeddomain wtamu.online
2020-05-25 insert index_pages_linkeddomain youvisit.com
2020-05-25 update robots_txt_status www.wtamu.edu: 200 => 404
2020-04-25 delete email ss..@wtamu.edu
2020-04-25 delete person Sarah Sparks
2020-04-25 insert email tc..@wtamu.edu
2020-04-25 insert email tl..@wtamu.edu
2020-04-25 insert person Tiffany Lott
2020-04-25 insert person Tracy Collier
2020-04-25 update person_title Kendra Braughton: Collections Specialist => Financial Accountant II
2020-04-25 update person_title Lynn A Garrett: Financial Services Representative => Financial Accountant I / Sponsored Billing Coordinator
2020-02-23 delete person Dr. Wade Shaffer
2020-02-23 insert person Dr. Amjad Abdullat
2020-02-23 update person_title Dr. Neil Terry: Dean of the Paul and Virginia College of Business; Dean of the Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business and Professor of Economics => Provost / Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
2019-12-23 delete email cs..@wtamu.edu
2019-12-23 delete email mh..@wtamu.edu
2019-12-23 delete email sb..@wtamu.edu
2019-12-23 delete person Kelsey Cline
2019-12-23 delete person Misty C Hobbs
2019-12-23 delete person Sharla Browne
2019-12-23 insert email km..@wtamu.edu
2019-12-23 insert person Kelsey Morris
2019-11-22 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain qualtrics.com
2019-10-23 delete cio James Webb
2019-10-23 delete person Ann Underwood
2019-10-23 delete person Chandler Huddleston
2019-10-23 delete person Dr. Freddie Davis
2019-10-23 delete person Dr. James Andrews
2019-10-23 delete person Jarvis W Hampton
2019-10-23 delete person Max Seymour
2019-10-23 delete person Shawna Kennedy
2019-10-23 insert about_pages_linkeddomain applytexas.org
2019-10-23 insert career_pages_linkeddomain applytexas.org
2019-10-23 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain applytexas.org
2019-10-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain applytexas.org
2019-10-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain system.tamus.edu
2019-10-23 insert person Colton Bourquin
2019-10-23 insert person David Wilson
2019-10-23 insert person Dr. Jeffry Babb
2019-10-23 insert service_pages_linkeddomain applytexas.org
2019-10-23 update person_title Dr. Eddie Henderson: Dean of the College of Education and Social Scienes => Dean of the College of Education and Social Sciences
2019-10-23 update person_title James Webb: Chief Information Officer => Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
2019-09-22 insert about_pages_linkeddomain youvisit.com
2019-08-23 delete email dh..@wtamu.edu
2019-08-23 delete person Dana Holland
2019-06-24 delete email cg..@wtamu.edu
2019-06-24 delete person Cindy Grabbe
2019-06-24 delete person Raj Varathara
2019-06-24 insert person Raj Varatharaj
2019-06-24 update person_title Angela Followill: Financial Practitioner I => Assistant Bursar
2019-05-20 delete email kf..@wtamu.edu
2019-05-20 delete email ph..@wtamu.edu
2019-05-20 delete person Karen Fox
2019-05-20 delete person Pam Holcomb
2019-05-20 insert email bb..@wtamu.edu
2019-05-20 insert email vv..@wtamu.edu
2019-05-20 insert person Brittany Beebe
2019-05-20 insert person Kelsey Cline
2019-05-20 insert person Raj Varathara
2019-05-20 update person_title Jarvis W Hampton: Director of Institutional Research => Assistant Vice President for Institutional Research & Effectiveness
2019-05-20 update person_title Sandy Roberts: Financial Services Representative => Administrative Associate IV
2019-04-17 insert email hs..@wtamu.edu
2019-04-17 insert person Heidi Stricker
2019-04-17 insert phone 806-651-3151
2019-03-16 delete email kn..@wtamu.edu
2019-03-16 delete person Kristi Neill
2019-03-16 delete source_ip
2019-03-16 insert phone 806-651-3150
2019-03-16 insert source_ip
2019-03-16 update person_title Ann Underwood: Director of the Office of Communication and Marketing Services => Executive Director of Communication and Marketing
2019-02-12 delete email bb..@wtamu.edu
2019-02-12 delete index_pages_linkeddomain apple.com
2019-02-12 delete person Bernice Burnside
2019-02-12 delete person Dr. Wade Schaffer
2019-02-12 delete phone 806-651-3150
2019-02-12 delete phone 806-651-4636
2019-02-12 insert email dp..@wtamu.edu
2019-02-12 insert management_pages_linkeddomain qualtrics.com
2019-02-12 update person_title Cindy Platt: Human Resources Advisor I => Assistant Director of Human Resources / EEO Officer
2019-02-12 update person_title Dr. Todd Rasberry: Vice President for Institutional Advancement => Vice President for Philanthropy and Alumni Relations; Vice President of Institutional Advancement
2019-01-09 delete otherexecutives Jessica Sims
2019-01-09 delete otherexecutives Shelly Davis
2019-01-09 insert otherexecutives Jessica Horning
2019-01-09 delete email hc..@wtamu.edu
2019-01-09 delete email js..@wtamu.edu
2019-01-09 delete email ph..@wtamu.edu
2019-01-09 delete person Hsiao-Ping Chen
2019-01-09 delete person Jessica Sims
2019-01-09 insert email af..@wtamu.edu
2019-01-09 insert email bp..@wtamu.edu
2019-01-09 insert email br..@wtamu.edu
2019-01-09 insert email jb..@wtamu.edu
2019-01-09 insert email jh..@wtamu.edu
2019-01-09 insert email sr..@wtamu.edu
2019-01-09 insert email tr..@wtamu.edu
2019-01-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain apple.com
2019-01-09 insert person Angela Followill
2019-01-09 insert person Barbara Palmer
2019-01-09 insert person Jessica Horning
2019-01-09 insert person John Bassett
2019-01-09 insert person Sandy Roberts
2019-01-09 update person_title Joe Bill Sherrod: Vice President of Leadership Gifts and Development => Assistant Vice President of Leadership Gifts and Development
2019-01-09 update person_title Kendra Braughton: Collection Specialist => Student Tax Form FAQ; Collections Specialist
2019-01-09 update person_title Renee Brummett: Financial Accountant I => Financial Accountant II
2019-01-09 update person_title Shelly Davis: Associate Vice President; Controller => Associate Vice President for Business and Finance
2018-11-30 delete personal_emails je..@sscserv.com
2018-11-30 delete president Max Seymour
2018-11-30 delete address 2403 Russell Long Boulevard WTAMU Box 61001 Canyon, TX 79016-0001
2018-11-30 delete email cc..@wtamu.edu
2018-11-30 delete email je..@sscserv.com
2018-11-30 delete email ka..@wtamu.edu
2018-11-30 delete person Jerry Cherry
2018-11-30 delete person Kay Acton
2018-11-30 delete person Megan Ward
2018-11-30 delete person Ray Blevins
2018-11-30 delete phone 806-651-2158
2018-11-30 insert address 2403 Russell Long Blvd. WTAMU Box 61001 Canyon, TX 79016-0001
2018-11-30 insert email am..@sscserv.com
2018-11-30 insert email br..@sscserv.com
2018-11-30 insert email ry..@sscserv.com
2018-11-30 insert email sj..@wtamu.edu
2018-11-30 insert person Amos Couture
2018-11-30 insert person Brandon Jefferson
2018-11-30 insert person Shelly Amos
2018-11-30 update person_title Max Seymour: President => Staff Council President
2018-10-20 insert otherexecutives Jessica Sims
2018-10-20 insert personal_emails st..@sscserv.com
2018-10-20 delete email fh..@wtamu.edu
2018-10-20 delete email hb..@wtamu.edu
2018-10-20 delete email js..@mail.wtamu.edu
2018-10-20 delete email vb..@wtamu.edu
2018-10-20 delete person Bill Ambrose
2018-10-20 delete person Faith Hoelscher
2018-10-20 delete person Harlee Bonilla
2018-10-20 delete person Vicky Buckelew
2018-10-20 insert email ae..@wtamu.edu
2018-10-20 insert email cg..@wtamu.edu
2018-10-20 insert email js..@wtamu.edu
2018-10-20 insert email js..@wtamu.edu
2018-10-20 insert email lc..@wtamu.edu
2018-10-20 insert email ml..@wtamu.edu
2018-10-20 insert email st..@sscserv.com
2018-10-20 insert person Ann Underwood
2018-10-20 insert person Ashley Eller
2018-10-20 insert person Carolina Galloway
2018-10-20 insert person Freddie Davis
2018-10-20 insert person Jarvis W Hampton
2018-10-20 insert person Jessica Sims
2018-10-20 insert person Leon J Carey
2018-10-20 insert person Mary Hiner
2018-10-20 insert person Steve McKinley
2018-10-20 insert phone 651-2385
2018-10-20 update person_title Joe Bill Sherrod: Interim Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Interim Vice President for; Interim Vice President of Institutional Advanement => Vice President of Leadership Gifts and Development
2018-09-18 delete email ab..@wtamu.edu
2018-09-18 delete email jd..@wtamu.edu
2018-09-18 delete email lh..@wtamu.edu
2018-09-18 delete email ps..@wtamu.edu
2018-09-18 delete person Ami Brown
2018-09-18 delete person Jennifer Dishong
2018-09-18 delete person Lora Hunter
2018-09-18 delete person Patrick Shelton
2018-09-18 insert email cp..@wtamu.edu
2018-09-18 insert email ph..@wtamu.edu
2018-09-18 insert email ph..@wtamu.edu
2018-09-18 insert index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2018-09-18 insert person Cindy Platt
2018-09-18 insert person Pam Holcomb
2018-09-18 insert phone 806-651-2118
2018-09-18 update person_title Kay Acton: Human Resources Administrator => Assistant Director of Human Resources / EEO Officer; Receptionist and Initial Point of Contact for HR and Payroll Posts Job Vacancies and Assists With Employment Processes
2018-09-18 update person_title Randy Brown: Assistant Director of Inventories & Interim Director of Central Supply & Inventories => Assistant Director of Inventories
2018-08-15 delete person Dr. Blake Decker
2018-08-15 insert email jn..@wtamu.edu
2018-08-15 insert person Janna Johnson
2018-08-15 insert phone 806-651-2087
2018-08-15 update person_title Randy Rikel: Vice - President for Business and Finance; Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Strategic Planning => Vice - President for Business and Finance
2018-06-28 delete email sr..@wtamu.edu
2018-06-28 delete person Sandy Roberts
2018-06-28 insert email gv..@wtamu.edu
2018-05-05 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2018-05-05 delete otherexecutives David Kohler
2018-05-05 delete otherexecutives Joe Bill Sherrod
2018-05-05 delete personal_emails br..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 delete personal_emails la..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 delete personal_emails ro..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 insert otherexecutives Nancy Hampton
2018-05-05 insert personal_emails ch..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 insert personal_emails je..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 insert personal_emails ni..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 insert president Megan Ward
2018-05-05 delete email bl..@wtamu.edu
2018-05-05 delete email br..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 delete email cw..@wtamu.edu
2018-05-05 delete email dk..@wtamu.edu
2018-05-05 delete email fo..@wtamu.edu
2018-05-05 delete email kw..@wtamu.edu
2018-05-05 delete email la..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 delete email pp..@wtamu.edu
2018-05-05 delete email rc..@wtamu.edu
2018-05-05 delete email ro..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 delete email ry..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 delete email tb..@wtamu.edu
2018-05-05 delete person Christie Wilhite
2018-05-05 delete person David Kohler
2018-05-05 delete person Kim Kope
2018-05-05 delete person Kina Wilson
2018-05-05 delete person Lance Miller
2018-05-05 delete person Nikky Sanders
2018-05-05 delete person Patti Patterson
2018-05-05 delete person Richard Smith
2018-05-05 delete person Robert Alexander
2018-05-05 delete person Ryan Ince
2018-05-05 delete person Tim Bynum
2018-05-05 delete phone 651-2730
2018-05-05 delete phone 806.651.3198
2018-05-05 delete phone 806.651.3199
2018-05-05 insert email ch..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 insert email je..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 insert email ka..@wtamu.edu
2018-05-05 insert email lh..@wtamu.edu
2018-05-05 insert email ni..@sscserv.com
2018-05-05 insert email sr..@wtamu.edu
2018-05-05 insert person Charlie Gonzales
2018-05-05 insert person Jerry Cherry
2018-05-05 insert person Lora Hunter
2018-05-05 insert person Megan Ward
2018-05-05 insert person Nicole Trevino
2018-05-05 update person_title Cindy Grabbe: Financial Assistant III => Financial Specialist I
2018-05-05 update person_title Danielle Dalpaz: Buyer => Buyer I
2018-05-05 update person_title Jennifer Dishong: Financial Accountant II => Financial Accountant III
2018-05-05 update person_title Joe Bill Sherrod: Development Staff Member; Director of Development => Interim Vice President of Institutional Advancement; Interim Vice President for; Interim Vice President of Institutional Advanement
2018-05-05 update person_title Karen Fox: Financial Accountant II => Financial Accountant I
2018-05-05 update person_title Kristi Neill: Human Resources Advisor II => Benefits and Training Coordinator
2018-05-05 update person_title Lynn Garrett: Lost Student Refund Checks; Financial Assistant III => Lost Student Refund Checks; Financial Services Representative
2018-05-05 update person_title Mickie Scantling: Purchasing Assistant / Procards => Procurement
2018-05-05 update person_title Nancy Hampton: Treasurer; Director, Title IX Compliance => Director, Human Resources; Treasurer
2018-05-05 update person_title Samantha Delira: Department Secretary => Administrative Associate Ll
2018-05-05 update person_title Shannon Ham: Payroll Services Coordinator => Manager of Payroll Services
2018-04-07 update website_status FailedRobots => FlippedRobots
2018-02-19 update website_status OK => FailedRobots
2018-01-07 insert career_pages_linkeddomain myworkdayjobs.com
2018-01-07 insert career_pages_linkeddomain sso.tamus.edu
2018-01-07 insert person Kay Acton
2018-01-07 insert person Sandy Roberts
2017-12-10 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2017-12-10 insert personal_emails la..@sscserv.com
2017-12-10 insert personal_emails ro..@sscserv.com
2017-12-10 insert personal_emails to..@sscserv.com
2017-12-10 delete email cb..@wtamu.edu
2017-12-10 delete email hs..@wtamu.edu
2017-12-10 delete email kk..@mail.wtamu.edu
2017-12-10 delete email ng..@wtamu.edu
2017-12-10 delete email sr..@wtamu.edu
2017-12-10 delete person Becky Lopez
2017-12-10 delete person Cheree Burleson
2017-12-10 delete person Heidi Stricker
2017-12-10 delete person Kelby Koelder
2017-12-10 delete person Sandra G Roberts
2017-12-10 delete phone 806-651-4935
2017-12-10 insert email cg..@wtamu.edu
2017-12-10 insert email la..@sscserv.com
2017-12-10 insert email lg..@wtamu.edu
2017-12-10 insert email nh..@wtamu.edu
2017-12-10 insert email ro..@sscserv.com
2017-12-10 insert email to..@sscserv.com
2017-12-10 insert person Dr. Brad Johnson
2017-12-10 insert person Lance Miller
2017-12-10 insert person Lynn Garrett
2017-12-10 insert person Robert Alexander
2017-12-10 insert person Tory Ketcherside
2017-12-10 insert phone 806-651-2136
2017-12-10 insert phone 806-651-5279
2017-12-10 update person_title Kristi Neill: Senior Personnel Assistant => Human Resources Advisor II
2017-12-10 update person_title Michael J. Knox: Vice President for Student Affairs => Vice President for Student Enrollment, Engagement, and Success
2017-12-10 update person_title Nancy Hampton: Assistant Director of Human Resources / EEO Officer; Treasurer => Treasurer; Director, Title IX Compliance
2017-12-10 update person_title Patti Patterson: Benefits Manager => Senior Employee Benefits Representative
2017-12-10 update person_title Shannon Ham: Payroll Coordinator => Payroll Services Coordinator
2017-11-21 update website_status FailedRobots => FlippedRobots
2017-10-03 update website_status OK => FailedRobots
2017-08-21 delete person Dan D. Garcia
2017-08-21 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain qualtrics.com