CBL PROPERTIES - History of Changes

2025-01-09 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain info-komen.org
2024-12-09 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain eventbrite.com
2024-11-07 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain vaultverify.com
2024-11-07 delete registration_number 19035
2024-11-07 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain theworknumber.com
2024-11-07 insert email pe..@cblproperties.com
2024-10-07 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain essilorluxottica.com
2024-10-07 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain lenscrafters.com
2024-10-07 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain tn.gov
2024-10-07 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain info-komen.org
2024-09-05 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain essilorluxottica.com
2024-09-05 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain lenscrafters.com
2024-08-05 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain tn.gov
2024-06-02 delete management_pages_linkeddomain ultipro.com
2024-06-02 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain info-komen.org
2024-06-02 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain komen.org
2024-06-02 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain roseandremington.com
2024-06-02 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain whereisbunny.com
2024-06-02 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain whereissanta.com
2024-06-02 insert management_pages_linkeddomain appone.com
2024-06-02 insert person Rabiya Syed
2024-06-02 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain vipholidayphotos.com
2024-06-02 update person_title Jennifer Cope: Executive Vice President - Operations Services & Risk Management; Senior Vice President - Operations Services => Executive Vice President - Operations Services & Risk Management
2023-10-18 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain tn.gov
2023-10-18 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain info-komen.org
2023-09-12 delete chairman David J. Contis
2023-09-12 delete chieflegalofficer JEFFERY V. CURRY
2023-09-12 delete evp ALAN L. LEBOVITZ
2023-09-12 delete evp Ben Jaenicke
2023-09-12 delete evp HOWARD B. GRODY
2023-09-12 delete evp Joseph Khalili
2023-09-12 delete otherexecutives David J. Contis
2023-09-12 delete otherexecutives David M. Fields
2023-09-12 delete otherexecutives Jeff Kivitz
2023-09-12 delete otherexecutives Marjorie L. Bowen
2023-09-12 delete otherexecutives Mary Lynn Morse
2023-09-12 delete otherexecutives Michael A. Torres
2023-09-12 delete otherexecutives Robert G. Gifford
2023-09-12 delete president MICHAEL I. LEBOVITZ
2023-09-12 delete svp Ben Staples
2023-09-12 delete svp DAVID T. NEUHOFF
2023-09-12 delete svp Jon Meshel
2023-09-12 delete svp Justice Wade
2023-09-12 delete svp Randy Owens
2023-09-12 delete svp Rusty Carlton
2023-09-12 delete vp Curt Hammontree
2023-09-12 delete vp Dan Wolfe
2023-09-12 delete vp Eric Griffith
2023-09-12 delete vp Jason Shelton
2023-09-12 delete vp Karen Walker
2023-09-12 delete vp Ken Wittler
2023-09-12 delete vp Lewis Hilton
2023-09-12 delete vp Matt Holligan
2023-09-12 delete vp Stan Hildebrand
2023-09-12 delete person ALAN L. LEBOVITZ
2023-09-12 delete person ALLISON HOUGHTON
2023-09-12 delete person ANDREW F. COBB
2023-09-12 delete person Ben Jaenicke
2023-09-12 delete person Ben Staples
2023-09-12 delete person Brad Hendrix
2023-09-12 delete person CHARLES B. LEBOVITZ
2023-09-12 delete person Curt Hammontree
2023-09-12 delete person DAVID T. NEUHOFF
2023-09-12 delete person Dan Wolfe
2023-09-12 delete person David J. Contis
2023-09-12 delete person David M. Fields
2023-09-12 delete person Derek Young
2023-09-12 delete person Eric Griffith
2023-09-12 delete person Gary Roddy
2023-09-12 delete person HEIDI CARDALL
2023-09-12 delete person HOWARD B. GRODY
2023-09-12 delete person J. TYLER OVERLEY
2023-09-12 delete person JEFFERY V. CURRY
2023-09-12 delete person JEFFREY L. GREGERSON
2023-09-12 delete person Jason Shelton
2023-09-12 delete person Jeff Kivitz
2023-09-12 delete person Jon Meshel
2023-09-12 delete person Joseph Khalili
2023-09-12 delete person Justice Wade
2023-09-12 delete person Karen Walker
2023-09-12 delete person Ken Wittler
2023-09-12 delete person LISA HARPER
2023-09-12 delete person Lewis Hilton
2023-09-12 delete person MICHAEL I. LEBOVITZ
2023-09-12 delete person Marjorie L. Bowen
2023-09-12 delete person Mary Lynn Morse
2023-09-12 delete person Matt Holligan
2023-09-12 delete person Michael A. Torres
2023-09-12 delete person Michael Herman
2023-09-12 delete person Randy Owens
2023-09-12 delete person Robert G. Gifford
2023-09-12 delete person Rusty Carlton
2023-09-12 delete person SANDRA HEYMANN
2023-09-12 delete person Stan Hildebrand
2023-09-12 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain businesswire.com
2023-09-12 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain komen.org
2023-09-12 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain roseandremington.com
2023-09-12 update person_description KATIE A. REINSMIDT => Ms. Katie Reinsmidt
2023-09-12 update person_title Ms. Katie Reinsmidt: Executive Vice President; Member of the Executive Officers Team; EXECUTIVE VP - CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER => null
2023-08-10 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain vipholidayphotos.com
2023-08-10 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain tn.gov
2023-07-08 insert otherexecutives Michael A. Torres
2023-07-08 insert svp Ben Staples
2023-07-08 insert person Ben Staples
2023-07-08 insert person Michael A. Torres
2023-07-08 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain businesswire.com
2023-07-08 update person_description Charles B. Lebovitz => CHARLES B. LEBOVITZ
2023-06-04 delete svp Joseph Khalili
2023-06-04 delete svp Maggie Carrington
2023-06-04 insert evp Jennifer Cope
2023-06-04 insert evp Joseph Khalili
2023-06-04 delete person Maggie Carrington
2023-06-04 update person_description Joseph Khalili => Joseph Khalili
2023-06-04 update person_description KATIE A. REINSMIDT => KATIE A. REINSMIDT
2023-06-04 update person_title Jennifer Cope: Senior Vice President - Operations Services; Senior Vice President - Operations => Executive Vice President; Member of the Executive Officers Team; Executive Vice President - Operations Services & Risk Management; Senior Vice President - Operations Services
2023-06-04 update person_title Joseph Khalili: Senior Vice President; SENIOR VP - FINANCIAL OPERATIONS => Executive Vice President; Member of the Executive Officers Team; EXECUTIVE VP - FINANCIAL PLANNING & ANALYSIS
2023-06-04 update person_title KATIE A. REINSMIDT: Executive Vice President; Member of the Executive Officers Team; EXECUTIVE VP - CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER => Executive Vice President; Member of the Executive Officers Team; EXECUTIVE VP - CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER
2023-04-21 insert chairman Charles B. Lebovitz
2023-04-21 insert chairman David J. Contis
2023-04-21 insert chieflegalofficer JEFFERY V. CURRY
2023-04-21 insert evp ALAN L. LEBOVITZ
2023-04-21 insert evp Ben Jaenicke
2023-04-21 insert evp HOWARD B. GRODY
2023-04-21 insert evp KATIE A. REINSMIDT
2023-04-21 insert otherexecutives David J. Contis
2023-04-21 insert otherexecutives David M. Fields
2023-04-21 insert otherexecutives Jeff Kivitz
2023-04-21 insert otherexecutives Marjorie L. Bowen
2023-04-21 insert otherexecutives Mary Lynn Morse
2023-04-21 insert otherexecutives Robert G. Gifford
2023-04-21 insert president MICHAEL I. LEBOVITZ
2023-04-21 insert svp DAVID T. NEUHOFF
2023-04-21 insert svp Jon Meshel
2023-04-21 insert svp Joseph Khalili
2023-04-21 insert svp Justice Wade
2023-04-21 insert svp Maggie Carrington
2023-04-21 insert svp Randy Owens
2023-04-21 insert svp Rusty Carlton
2023-04-21 insert vp Curt Hammontree
2023-04-21 insert vp Dan Wolfe
2023-04-21 insert vp Eric Griffith
2023-04-21 insert vp Jason Shelton
2023-04-21 insert vp Karen Walker
2023-04-21 insert vp Ken Wittler
2023-04-21 insert vp Lewis Hilton
2023-04-21 insert vp Matt Holligan
2023-04-21 insert vp Stan Hildebrand
2023-04-21 delete person Jeannie Taliaferro
2023-04-21 insert person ALAN L. LEBOVITZ
2023-04-21 insert person ALLISON HOUGHTON
2023-04-21 insert person ANDREW F. COBB
2023-04-21 insert person Ben Jaenicke
2023-04-21 insert person Brad Hendrix
2023-04-21 insert person Charles B. Lebovitz
2023-04-21 insert person Curt Hammontree
2023-04-21 insert person DAVID T. NEUHOFF
2023-04-21 insert person Dan Wolfe
2023-04-21 insert person David J. Contis
2023-04-21 insert person David M. Fields
2023-04-21 insert person Derek Young
2023-04-21 insert person Eric Griffith
2023-04-21 insert person Gary Roddy
2023-04-21 insert person HEIDI CARDALL
2023-04-21 insert person HOWARD B. GRODY
2023-04-21 insert person J. TYLER OVERLEY
2023-04-21 insert person JEFFERY V. CURRY
2023-04-21 insert person JEFFREY L. GREGERSON
2023-04-21 insert person Janine Atiyeh
2023-04-21 insert person Jason Shelton
2023-04-21 insert person Jeff Kivitz
2023-04-21 insert person Jon Meshel
2023-04-21 insert person Joseph Khalili
2023-04-21 insert person Justice Wade
2023-04-21 insert person Karen Walker
2023-04-21 insert person Ken Wittler
2023-04-21 insert person LISA HARPER
2023-04-21 insert person Lewis Hilton
2023-04-21 insert person MICHAEL I. LEBOVITZ
2023-04-21 insert person Maggie Carrington
2023-04-21 insert person Marjorie L. Bowen
2023-04-21 insert person Mary Lynn Morse
2023-04-21 insert person Matt Holligan
2023-04-21 insert person Michael Herman
2023-04-21 insert person Nicole Burney
2023-04-21 insert person Randy Owens
2023-04-21 insert person Robert G. Gifford
2023-04-21 insert person Rusty Carlton
2023-04-21 insert person SANDRA HEYMANN
2023-04-21 insert person Stacey Keating
2023-04-21 insert person Stan Hildebrand
2023-04-21 insert person Sueni Sanders
2023-04-21 insert person Teresa Greene
2023-04-21 update person_description Ms. Katie Reinsmidt => KATIE A. REINSMIDT
2023-04-21 update person_title KATIE A. REINSMIDT: null => Executive Vice President; Member of the Executive Officers Team; EXECUTIVE VP - CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER
2023-03-21 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain info-komen.org
2023-03-21 insert about_pages_linkeddomain contentstack.io
2023-03-21 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain vipholidayphotos.com
2023-03-21 update person_description Stephen Lebovitz => Stephen Lebovitz
2023-01-16 delete index_pages_linkeddomain uhc.com
2023-01-16 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain uhc.com
2023-01-16 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain uhc.com
2022-11-14 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain whereissanta.com
2022-10-13 delete about_pages_linkeddomain thepixelpixie.com
2022-10-13 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain thepixelpixie.com
2022-10-13 delete management_pages_linkeddomain thepixelpixie.com
2022-09-12 delete address P.O. Box 505000 Louisville, KY 40233-5000
2022-09-12 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain visitnorthgatemall.com
2022-09-12 insert address Providence, RI 02940-3006
2022-09-12 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain info-komen.org
2022-07-13 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain regmovies.com
2022-07-13 delete portfolio_pages_linkeddomain tn.gov
2022-07-13 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain komen.org
2022-06-12 insert about_pages_linkeddomain uhc.com
2022-06-12 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain uhc.com
2022-06-12 insert index_pages_linkeddomain uhc.com
2022-06-12 insert management_pages_linkeddomain uhc.com
2022-06-12 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain uhc.com
2022-06-12 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain uhc.com
2022-04-11 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain visitnorthgatemall.com
2022-04-11 insert portfolio_pages_linkeddomain whereisbunny.com
2022-02-06 delete address 400 R Street, Suite 1080, Sacramento, CA 95814, or
2022-02-06 delete email dc..@dca.ca.gov
2022-02-06 delete index_pages_linkeddomain friendlycenter.com
2022-02-06 delete index_pages_linkeddomain thepavilionatportorange.com
2022-02-06 delete index_pages_linkeddomain westmorelandmall.com
2022-02-06 delete phone 800-952-5210
2022-02-06 delete phone 916-445-1254
2022-02-06 insert address P.O. Box 505000 Louisville, KY 40233-5000
2022-02-06 insert email in..@cblproperties.com
2022-02-06 insert email ka..@cblproperties.com
2022-02-06 insert fax 404.588.7815
2022-02-06 insert management_pages_linkeddomain computershare.com
2022-02-06 insert management_pages_linkeddomain thepixelpixie.com
2022-02-06 insert person Ms. Katie Reinsmidt
2022-02-06 insert phone 1-800-333-7310
2022-02-06 insert phone 423.490.8301
2022-02-06 insert phone 800.568.3476
2022-02-06 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain contentstack.io
2022-02-06 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2022-02-06 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain microsoft.com
2022-02-06 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain mozilla.org
2022-02-06 update robots_txt_status www.cblproperties.com: 200 => 404
2021-02-16 insert index_pages_linkeddomain friendlycenter.com
2021-02-16 insert index_pages_linkeddomain thepavilionatportorange.com
2021-02-16 insert index_pages_linkeddomain westmorelandmall.com
2021-01-16 insert ceo Stephen D. Lebovitz
2021-01-16 insert chairman Charles B. Lebovitz
2021-01-16 insert otherexecutives A. Larry Chapman
2021-01-16 insert otherexecutives Matthew S. Dominski
2021-01-16 insert otherexecutives Stephen D. Lebovitz
2021-01-16 insert person A. Larry Chapman
2021-01-16 insert person Charles B. Lebovitz
2021-01-16 insert person Matthew S. Dominski
2021-01-16 insert person Stephen D. Lebovitz
2020-06-30 update robots_txt_status invest.cblproperties.com: 404 => 200
2020-03-01 delete coo Augustus N. Stephas
2020-03-01 delete evp Augustus N. Stephas
2020-03-01 delete otherexecutives Augustus N. Stephas
2020-03-01 delete president Stephen D. Lebovitz
2020-03-01 delete vp Justice Wade
2020-03-01 insert svp Justice Wade
2020-03-01 delete person Augustus N. Stephas
2020-03-01 update person_title Justice Wade: Vice President; VP - Development Leasing and Peripheral Property => Senior Vice President; Senior VP - Development and Mixed - Use
2020-03-01 update person_title Stephen D. Lebovitz: Member of the Board of Directors; Chief Executive Officer; Member of the Executive Officers Team; President => Member of the Executive Officers Team; Member of the Board of Directors; Chief Executive Officer
2019-12-01 insert otherexecutives Carolyn B. Tiffany
2019-12-01 insert otherexecutives Michael L. Ashner
2019-12-01 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain vaultverify.com
2019-12-01 insert person Carolyn B. Tiffany
2019-12-01 insert person Michael L. Ashner
2019-12-01 insert registration_number 19035
2019-10-01 insert coo Augustus N. Stephas
2019-10-01 insert evp Augustus N. Stephas
2019-10-01 insert otherexecutives Augustus N. Stephas
2019-10-01 insert person Augustus N. Stephas
2019-10-01 update person_description Kathleen M. Nelson => Kathleen M. Nelson
2019-07-03 delete vp Jon Meshel
2019-07-03 delete person Jon Meshel
2019-07-03 update person_title John D. Griffith: Member of the Board of Directors; Retired Executive Vice President of Property Development - Target Corporation; Company As Director => Member of the Board of Directors; SVP - Real Estate and Development - Lifetime; Company As Director
2019-05-29 update website_status Disallowed => OK
2019-05-29 delete otherexecutives Gary J. Nay
2019-05-29 delete otherexecutives Gary L. Bryenton
2019-05-29 insert otherexecutives Judy Craighead
2019-05-29 insert otherexecutives Mary Lynn Morse
2019-05-29 insert vp Joseph Khalili
2019-05-29 insert vp Stan Hildebrand
2019-05-29 delete person Gary J. Nay
2019-05-29 delete person Gary L. Bryenton
2019-05-29 insert person Joseph Khalili
2019-05-29 insert person Judy Craighead
2019-05-29 insert person Mary Lynn Morse
2019-05-29 insert person Stan Hildebrand
2019-05-29 update person_description J. Tyler Overley => J. Tyler Overley
2019-05-29 update person_description Jan Wills => Jan Wills
2019-05-29 update person_title Jan Wills: Vice President; VP - Leasing => VP - Management; Vice President
2019-01-29 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2018-12-25 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2018-11-04 delete person Chris Bursch
2018-11-04 update person_description Augustus N. Stephas => Augustus N. Stephas
2018-10-01 delete person Kathryn A. Reinsmidt
2018-08-29 update person_description Robert J. Snetman => Robert J. Snetman
2018-07-16 insert evp Katie Reinsmidt
2018-07-16 insert president Michael I. Lebovitz
2018-07-16 insert vp Monique Berke
2018-07-16 update person_description Alan L. Lebovitz => Alan L. Lebovitz
2018-07-16 update person_description Charles B. Lebovitz => Charles B. Lebovitz
2018-07-16 update person_description Chris Bursch => Chris Bursch
2018-07-16 update person_description Dan Wolfe => Dan Wolfe
2018-07-16 update person_description Don Sewell => Don Sewell
2018-07-16 update person_description Gary Roddy => Gary Roddy
2018-07-16 update person_description Howard B. Grody => Howard B. Grody
2018-07-16 update person_description J. Tyler Overley => J. Tyler Overley
2018-07-16 update person_description Jan Wills => Jan Wills
2018-07-16 update person_description Jeffery V. Curry => Jeffery V. Curry
2018-07-16 update person_description Jeffrey L. Gregerson => Jeffrey L. Gregerson
2018-07-16 update person_description Jennifer Cope => Jennifer Cope
2018-07-16 update person_description Jim Ward => Jim Ward
2018-07-16 update person_description Kathryn A. Reinsmidt => Kathryn A. Reinsmidt
2018-07-16 update person_description Maggie Carrington => Maggie Carrington
2018-07-16 update person_description Michael C. Harrison Jr. => Michael C. Harrison Jr.
2018-07-16 update person_description Michael I. Lebovitz => Michael I. Lebovitz
2018-07-16 update person_description Randy Owens => Randy Owens
2018-07-16 update person_description Stephen D. Lebovitz => Stephen D. Lebovitz
2018-07-16 update person_description Stuart Smith => Stuart Smith
2018-07-16 update person_title Katie Reinsmidt: Executive Vice President - Chief Investment Officer for CBL & Associates Properties, Inc => Executive Vice President; Member of the Executive Officers Team
2018-07-16 update person_title Michael I. Lebovitz: Executive Vice President - Development and Administration => Member of the Executive Officers Team; President
2018-07-16 update person_title Monique Berke: Vice President - Business Transformation for CBL & Associates Properties, Inc; VP - Business Transformation => Vice President; VP - Business Transformation
2018-04-10 insert svp Don Sewell
2018-04-10 update person_title Don Sewell: Vice President - Mall Management; Senior VP - Management => Senior Vice President; Senior VP - Management
2018-02-22 insert vp Dan Wolfe
2018-02-22 insert person Dan Wolfe
2018-02-22 update person_title Alan L. Lebovitz: Senior Vice President; Senior VP - Management => Executive VP - Management; Senior Vice President
2018-02-22 update person_title Don Sewell: Vice President - Mall Management => Vice President - Mall Management; Senior VP - Management
2018-02-22 update person_title Jim Ward: VP - Marketing & Digital Strategies => VP - Innovation & New Business Ventures
2018-02-22 update person_title Michael C. Harrison Jr.: Senior VP - Strategic and Technology Initiatives; Senior Vice President => Senior Vice President; Executive VP - Operations
2018-01-11 insert person Randy Owens
2017-12-13 insert person Kathryn A. Reinsmidt
2017-11-07 update person_title Gary Roddy: VP - Collections => VP - Legal Collections
2017-11-07 update person_title Robert J. Snetman: VP - Asset Management and Third Party Services; Vice President; Assistant Manager for CoolSprings Galleria => Vice President; Assistant Manager for CoolSprings Galleria; VP - Mixed Use
2017-10-03 insert alias CBL Properties