Updated 25 days ago
Our system is different. We use a spark ignition system, so there is no pilot light to blow out. Plus a pilot light continues to burn propane which is a waste. When the computerized thermostat system needs to warm the water to prevent freezing, the system will ignite the heater and monitor the water temperature...
We have hopes of releasing our first model during the winter of 2017/2018. We are working as hard as we can to get all our ducks in a row...
This is a secret. Just kidding. We are using a patented technology that has been proven in many industries. Using a computerized system to maintain efficiency with a hydronic heating system, pumping a food grade fluid through a serpentine type heat exchanger. We heat the fluid with a very efficient propane heater. Our test shows propane usage at or below 8 gallons per month.