Updated 17 days ago
Phastline is a Pipeline Hydraulics Simulation Program from Phastware Consulting Ltd. based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It is free of charge and available to anyone interested in learning about how a pipeline is constructed and operated. This is a pipeline simulation and modeling application that provides hydraulically accurate reports of a pipeline's operational capacity, operating pressures, flowrates and power usage. It uses industry standard formulas for calculating pipeline pressure loss, temperature variations in viscosity and density of fluids and both parallel and series combinations of pump curves.'... A batched pipeline hydraulics simulation application available to the general public free of charge. This application models the operation of a pipeline by accepting a user specified pipeline configuration with pipe segments, stations with pumps and a set of nominations specifying the volume and types of products desired to be pumped through the line. It will calculate..
Also known as: Phastware Consulting, Phastware Consulting Company, Phastware Consulting Ltd.