Updated 3 days ago
- Age: 9 years
- ID: 32791781/97
We are registered in Qatar under registration number 85307
Wisdom Technology is a local ICT Company based in Doha, Qatar.Founded in 2016, Wisdom Technology today is among the leading ICT consultancy firms delivering online and onsite - end to end technical and administrative solutions and consultancy services. WTCcomprises of dynamiclocal and multi-national experts. Every one of our team members brings a unique set of skills and experience in the field of business development , ICT, E-commerce solutions, information and social media analytics and intelligence... We are committed to the goals of Qatar 2030 national vision . With its technological and administrative legacies, WTC aims at developing the ICT and management sectors in the country. This is achieved via the application of the corporate principles namely total quality... As we are a Qatari company, we undertake to offer top-notch technological and administrative solutions, with the highest international standards. We also promise to keep abreast of the latest technologies coming up..
Registration numbers: 85307 (W)