Updated 53 days ago
Tiensesteenweg 270 3360 Lovenjoel Belgium
We are Linde and Jonathan - living our life in unity for love and deep spiritual relating. Together we dreamt of the impossible and made the health, well-ness, retreat, training, and embodiment center Casa LoJeMa a reality... We are professionally qualified in coaching, mediation, shiatsu, Sei-Ki, shamanism, constellation, trauma body work, and tantra. We have been working with people on their self-healing, embodiment, and transformation capacities, individually, as couples, and in several day retreats for 7 years. Jonathan - based on his previous career as manager in large NGOs, certified coach and mediator - runs the business side of Q3T that employs neuroscience and trauma body work informed methods to teambuilding, conflict resolution, presentation skills and stress management trainings... Mediation is a tool, a process, and a principle approach to better understand, resolve, or even repair relations among people. It can take a formal character - in most EU countries regulated by..
Also known as: Q3T bv