TWENTY65 - Key Persons

Andrea Gysin

Job Titles:
  • Thames Water

Caroline Wadsworth

Job Titles:
  • Water Innovation Hub Manager

Chris Jones

Job Titles:
  • Northumbrian Water

Christine Sefton

Job Titles:
  • Mobilisation As an Innovation

Dr Alex Riley

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment

Dr Alison Browne

Job Titles:
  • Lecturer
  • Mobilisation As an Innovation / University of Manchester
Alison Browne is a Lecturer in Human Geography and the Sustainable Consumption Institute (SCI) at The University of Manchester. Alison leads on Internationalisation activities for the SCI and sits on the SCI Management Group. Her work is structured around the following topics:

Dr Alma Schellart

Job Titles:
  • Minimising Carbon Emissions through Synergistic Water - Energy Systems

Dr Ben Krueger

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment / Imperial College London

Dr Claire Walsh

Job Titles:
  • Senior Research Associate
  • Using Digital Twins to Explore Water Futures / University of Newcastle
Claire is a Senior Research Associate and SAGE Faculty Research Fellow in the Water Group and the Centre for Earth Systems Engineering and Research. She joined the school in 1999 as a PhD student; her thesis, 'Simulation and analysis of river flow regimes: implications for sustainable management of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) under climate change' was funded by NERC and investigated how climate change may affect river flows in the River Eden, Cumbria, and in turn assessed how these projected changes would impact on Atlantic salmon habitat. Prior to this, Claire studied Geography, also at Newcastle University.

Dr Elizabeth Court

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment

Dr Emma Westling

Job Titles:
  • Research Associate and Impact Co - Ordinator

Dr Fatima Ajia

Job Titles:
  • Mobilisation As an Innovation

Dr Fei Liu

Job Titles:
  • Minimising Carbon Emissions through Synergistic Water - Energy Systems

Dr Graham Stafford

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment

Dr Henriette Jensen

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment

Dr James Porter

Job Titles:
  • Collaboration for Innovation

Dr Jeanette Garwood

Job Titles:
  • Collaboration for Innovation

Dr Kamal Birdi

Job Titles:
  • Lead - Collaboration for Innovation

Dr Kerrie Unsworth

Job Titles:
  • Collaboration for Innovation / University of Leeds
  • Professor at Leeds University Business School
Dr Kerrie Unsworth is a Professor at Leeds University Business School. She is interested in studying motivation, creativity, pro-environmental behaviours and well-being. Underlying each of these is an interest in understanding how we juggle the different priorities we have at work and at home; and how we can make our working lives more fulfilling and productive.Kerrie obtained an Honours degree in Psychology from the University of Queensland in 1994 and a PhD from the Institute of Work Psychology at the University of Sheffield in 2001. Her PhD was based on increasing the creativity and innovativeness of design engineers in Rolls Royce plc and BAE Systems. She has won over £1 million in funding and has been cited over 2000 times in academic journals. Her work has appeared in prestigious journals across a number of disciplines including Academy of Management Review, Global Environmental Change, Reliability Engineering & Safety Systems, & Journal of Organizational Behavior. A training program that came out of an Australian Research Council Discovery grant (PositiveU) is now a successfully commercialised program being used by many private and public sector organisations across Australia. Modified versions have also been incorporated into the curricula at UWA and QUT as well as at high schools such as Perth College. Please contact Kerrie for more details on using this program. Finally, Kerrie is currently an Editorial Board member of Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Frontiers in Organizational Psychology; and is the Treasurer for the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division of the Academy of Management.

Dr Laura Roberts

Job Titles:
  • Water Innovation Hub Outreach and Dissemination Manager

Dr Liz Sharp

Job Titles:
  • Lead - Mobilisation As an Innovation

Dr Majed Khadem

Job Titles:
  • Foresight and Integration

Dr Mark Ogden

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment

Dr Martina McGuiness

Job Titles:
  • Collaboration for Innovation

Dr Peter Melville-Schreeve

Job Titles:
  • City As a Water Resource / University of Exeter

Dr Rizwan Nawaz

Job Titles:
  • Foresight and Integration

Dr Ruth Quinn

Job Titles:
  • City As a Water Resource

Dr Vitor Martins

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment

Dr Wenzheng Yu

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment / Imperial College London

Emily Dalby

Job Titles:
  • City As a Water Resource

Fiona Ribbons

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment / Imperial College London

George Ponton

Job Titles:
  • Scottish Water

Hamza Askari

Job Titles:
  • City As a Water Resource

Hans Jensen

Job Titles:
  • UKWIR / UK Water Partnership

Issy Caffoor

Job Titles:
  • Independent ( Formerly Yorkshire Water )

Joe Croft

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment / Imperial College London

Joe Hook

Job Titles:
  • Foresight and Integration

Jon Brigg

Job Titles:
  • Yorkshire Water

Jon Rathjen

Job Titles:
  • Scottish Government

Jonny Ritson

Job Titles:
  • Research Associate
Jonny Ritson is a post-doctoral research associate within the Environmental and Water Resource Engineering section. He is currently working on the catchments theme of the EPSRC funded TWENTY-65 project. He recently completed a PhD at Imperial funded by the Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Climate-KIC, South West Water and Welsh Water entitled 'The impact of climate change on surface water quality and drinking water treatment'. Jonny's MSc was undertaken at King's College where he won the best thesis award for his work into ‘The use of spectral reflectance measurements to determine lead contamination of spinach- relations to urban agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa and human health implications'. Jonny has previously worked at the University of Reading on the TWENTY-65 project as well as lecturing on climate change and the carbon cycle. In industry he worked as a sustainability consultant (CarbonPlan Ltd) and an applications specialist (Industrial Tomography Systems).

Juliet De Little

Job Titles:
  • Mobilisation As an Innovation

Kaiyan Zhou

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment / Imperial College London

Lindsay Hopcroft

Job Titles:
  • Water Innovation Hub Administrator

Lindsey Farnsworth

Job Titles:
  • Water Innovation Hub Administrator

Margaret Cobbold

Job Titles:
  • Independent ( Formerly Veolia Environmental Trust )

Nigel J.D. Graham

Job Titles:
  • Lead - Adapting to Changing Catchments
  • Professor
Professor Nigel J.D. Graham is Professor of Environmental Engineering and previously Head of the Environmental and Water Resource Engineering Section. He has research interests in the field of Unit Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, and Water Supply Engineering. He has degrees from the University of Cambridge (BA, MA, ScD) and Imperial College London (MSc, DIC, PhD) and is a Chartered Engineer with corporate membership of the Institution of Civil Engineers (FICE), the Institution of Chemical Engineers (FIChemE) and the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (FCIWEM). He is an elected Fellow of the International Water Association, and was a co-recipient of the Institution of Civil Engineers Telford Gold Medal in 2010. Professor Graham is a former Course Director of the MSc Course in Environmental Engineering and during 2010-12 he was advisor to the Faculty of Engineering on Environment and Water research. Professor Graham is an Honorary Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and holds a visiting Professorship at the Harbin Institute of Technology, China. Since 1990 he has served as Associate Editor of Ozone: Science and Engineering, the peer-review journal of the International Ozone Association.

Paul Horton

Job Titles:
  • Future Water Association

Paul Rutter

Job Titles:
  • Thames Water

Philip Sellwood

Job Titles:
  • Energy Saving Trust

Prof Catherine Biggs

Job Titles:
  • Lead - Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment

Prof David Butler

Job Titles:
  • Research Manager
  • Lead - City As a Water Resource
David Butler is an academic leader and research manager, and has over 30 years experience as an internationally-leading researcher, teacher and consultant in the water sector. David is Professor of Water Engineering at the University of Exeter and an Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Established Career Research Fellow. He has a bachelor's degree in civil & structural engineering from Cardiff University, a master's in public health engineering and a doctorate in environmental engineering both from Imperial College London. He is a chartered civil engineer and a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Chartered Institution of Water & Environmental Management and the International Water Association. At Exeter, he is a Director of the Centre for Water Systems, formerly Associate Dean for Research in the College of Engineering, Mathematics & Physical Sciences and before that Head of the Engineering discipline in the School of Engineering, Computer Science & Mathematics. Research Interests He specialises in urban water management, including sustainable and resilient water systems, integration and control and water-energy-carbon interactions. David has authored / co-authored some 300 published papers, in addition to 12 books (including an internationally adopted graduate text book on Urban Drainage), published best practice guides and edited conference proceedings. His research has been funded continuously by EPSRC since 1995. He is co-editor-in-chief of the Urban Water Journal and editor-in-chief (water) of Global Challenges.

Prof Joby Boxall - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Principal Investigator
  • Technical Director

Prof Martin Mayfield

Job Titles:
  • Foresight and Integration
  • Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Professor Martin Mayfield is a Chartered Engineer and a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Martin is passionate about the role of Engineering in Society. Engineers work at the nexus of human and natural systems holding a crucial responsibility to create solutions and develop our infrastructure in a manner that allows humanity to thrive within the carrying capacity of the planet. He is fascinated by the opportunities presented by Complexity Science to improve the resilience and performance of complex adaptive systems such as future energy systems, cities and our national infrastructure. His expertise spans a diverse array of systems engineering, sustainable design, climate change mitigation and adaptation, mission critical systems, city systems and mapping infrastructure interdependencies. This has included system of systems resilience studies for a range of organisations including cities and banks. He has designed a wide range of resilient energy and infrastructure systems such as stadia, data centres and city quarters. He holds the Chair of Engineering Design at the University of Sheffield after 25 years in practice. As a Director of Ove Arup and Partners Ltd, he held a portfolio including Sustainable Building Leader for the UK, Middle East and Africa, Education Leader for the UK, Middle East and Africa and Leader of the Arup office in Sheffield, leading a team of professional Engineers, working on a diverse array of projects in the UK and overseas. Within this team, he led a Built Environment Research Group, providing thought leadership to the wider group and Arup on the future of sustainable design, identifying and driving the research strategy, horizon scanning and leading the technical progression of sustainable building design and research. He has led and supported many applied research projects for major industrial clients in the field of sustainable infrastructure including projects such as the definition of a route to zero carbon for the Further Education sector, defining Scope 3 carbon footprinting for the Higher Education Sector and the design of the UK's only Hydrogen powered zero carbon building. He is a regular speaker at conferences on a wide range os tops relating to Sustainable Infrastructure, Cities and Systems. This track record, spanning design and research is focused on the pursuit of sustainable design solutions that balances complex engineered systems with natural systems. He believes that society needs Engineering Graduates capable of making a difference in the world through their ability to engage with society to deliver creative engineering solutions to address global issues. Teaching Systems Thinking to Engineering, Martin promotes Engineering as a school of thought in the synthesis of design, his focus is to help student develop their ability to make good decisions that allow them to develop their ability to combine robust elemental solutions to create holistic solutions through a greater understanding of the behaviour of complex engineering systems. His research interests are in the Built Environment, City and Infrastructure Systems interdependencies.

Prof Michael Templeton

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment / Imperial College London

Prof Raziyeh Farmani

Job Titles:
  • City As a Water Resource / University of Exeter

Prof Richard Brazier

Richard obtained his first degree in Physical Geography (1992-1995) in the Department of Geography at the University of Lancaster. He returned to Lancaster to study for his PhD (1996 - 2000) in the Environmental Science Department, on a project which modelled soil erosion in England and Wales, with associated uncertainty. The following two and a half years were spent as a NERC Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Geography Departments at Leicester University and King's College, London working on soil erosion monitoring and modelling in the Sonoran Desert. In 2002 Richard was appointed as Lecturer in Physical Geography at the University of Sheffield where he worked for four years. He was employed as a Senior Lecturer at Exeter in 2006, promoted to Associate Professor of Earth Surface Processes in 2011 and Professor in 2015.

Prof Richard Dawson

Job Titles:
  • Lead - Foresight and Integration

Prof Simon Tait

Job Titles:
  • Lead - Minimising Carbon Emissions through Synergistic Water - Energy Systems

Prof Vanessa Speight - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
Dr. Speight's primary area of research is water quality transformations in drinking water distribution systems, with a focus on applications of models for decision support, public health risk, and implications for regulatory development. In particular, my interest is in understanding the inter-relationships between hydraulics within pipe networks and water quality reactions involving disinfectant residual, disinfection by-product formation, biofilms, indicator organisms, and corrosion. Dr. Speight is Managing Director of TWENTY65, an EPSRC-funded consortium with 6 universities and more than 70 industrial collaborative partners working across the water cycle to develop flexible and synergistic solutions tailored to meeting changing societal needs and achieve positive impact on health, environment, economy, and society.

Prof Virginia Stovin

Job Titles:
  • City As a Water Resource

Steve Kaye

Job Titles:
  • Anglian Water / UKWIR

Teng Liu

Job Titles:
  • Demand - Based Technologies for Tailored Treatment / Imperial College London

Tom Flood - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman

Tony Conway - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
  • Independent ( Formerly United Utilities )

Tony Rachwal

Job Titles:
  • UK Water Partnership