Updated 159 days ago
6033 State Route 13 Cayuta, NY 14824
Finger Lakes Harley-Davidson strives to give its patrons an unsurpassed customer experience, whether they come in with a specific goal or are here to look around. With a passion for the Harley-Davidson® brand, lifestyle, and history, we will do our utmost to exceed customer expectations. Finger Lakes Harley-Davidson is dedicated to providing an enjoyable and professional atmosphere to help you attain your American Dream... Finger Lakes Harley-Davidson is the fulfillment of a life-long goal for Brian Sedlack, son of David Sedlack, the owner of Performance Harley-Davidson in Syracuse, NY. From a young age, Brian has been driven to excel. He started out washing bikes and will eventually run Performance Harley-Davidson. Along the way, he has earned a strong following of both customers and staff. He hangs his hat on a business practice that is fair, professional, and personal. With this background, Brian wanted to expand the business and give people another outlet to be treated with care..
Also known as: Finger Lakes, Finger Lakes H-D