Updated 38 days ago
- Age: 29 years
- ID: 31166715/100
300 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021, New Zealand
NZSCM is the New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Medicine. We're the only organisation recognised by the Medical Council of New Zealand to regulate and train doctors in Cosmetic Medicine. Our NZSCM Diploma in Cosmetic Medicine is the only specialist Cosmetic Medicine qualification leading to independent practice in New Zealand... NZSCM was founded in 1995 by leading cosmetic medicine doctors and has grown from strength to strength. NZSCM doctors have at least 10 years of training, because only doctors who have completed their post-graduate specialist qualifications, such as General Practice, may complete the two-year Diploma of Cosmetic Medicine... NZSCM's mission is to train doctors to the highest levels of expertise in cosmetic medicine, and to protect patients and the public. To ensure the highest standards, NZSCM doctors complete a comprehensive two-year diploma in cosmetic medicine and are recertified every three years. We lobby for better regulation to protect the public, and..
Also known as: New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Medicine
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