Margarite Fox - President

Job Titles:
  • Agent
  • President
  • Member of the National, California
  • President, and Her Qualified Staff Will Personally Assist in Servicing Client 's Day to Day Issues, Should They Arise
Margarite was previously associated with Cassani & Associates specializing in Key Man/Buy Sell Insurance, Retirement Plans/Tax Savings Plans, and Estate Planning. Margarite's interest in the medical field began while working in administration for the Comprehensive Cancer Center/Salick Health Care at Cedars Sinai. Margarite ventured into Radio as the Managing Director of the International Sales & Marketing Department for Westwood One Radio. She has made presentations at St. Mary with the Senior Center and the Planned Giving Program. Margarite is a member of the National, California, and Los Angeles Associations of Health Underwriters. Margarite is a President Circle Member of the St. Mary's Women's Circle of Philanthropy and is involved in various other charities. Margarite Fox, President, and her qualified staff will personally assist in servicing client's day to day issues, should they arise.