Updated 1957 days ago
I was in good shape when I was younger. Like many of us, though, by my mid-40s, career, family, and the stresses of life took their course. I got slow and squishy. It was a slow insidious slide into the sedentary, high carbs and sugar, digitally addicted lifestyle...
I finally had the conviction that I needed to get healthy, so I quit eating like an eight-year-old. I cut out the sugar and the bad carbs and lost 20 lbs. I started hiking - mostly because I just hated going to the gym. Surprisingly, hiking became therapy for me. Now I hike about 400+ miles a year - every year. I even hiked the JMT...
Hi, I'm Bryan Feller. I was in good shape when I was younger. Like many of us, by my mid-40s, career, family and the stresses... I got slow and squishy...