Updated 22 days ago
- Age: 7 years
- ID: 29251292/117
Rue Georges Moreau 34 1070 Brussels Belgium
Osmos is a mission-driven organisation working with public administrations, private organisations and civic communities. We work within three sectors: ecosystems, public space & community and production. Where we see an opportunity not to be missed, we also self-initiate projects...
Osmos gathers a network of experts from numerous disciplines and countries. Our multidisciplinary team brings together years of practical experience and theoretical knowledge. We have backgrounds in design, architecture, urbanism, economics, sociology, finance, communications, economics and more. We are practitioners with academic backgrounds. We are pragmatic idealists. We won't promise to solve all your problems, yet we are dedicated to make you take one -or more- steps in the right direction. Try to remember the last time somebody was this honest with you!
Also known as: Osmos Network